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slow blower motor??

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  • #16
    Window thing won't work my cowl to fresh air box leaked vary badly ( no gasket left)
    So i blocked off the cowl hole with plastic to keep the car draft free. Lol
    I just keep it on recirculate till i can pull the dash and seal every thing up.


    • #17
      You can see now, why I always prefer to do a battery or at least a continuity test on any electrical motor from the junkyard. Even if it looks fine and spotless on the outside, it could be all burned out inside. That's what happens when the motor jams and is not shut off in time. This even applies to rear wiper motors too. Open the motor housing if you don't have a multimeter. Check if it's fried.
      Last edited by bravekozak; 10-27-2013, 09:02 PM.


      • #18
        Just an fyi for you guys the older ford late 80-early 90 window motor brushes are the same size.
        They will have a m7 on the back of the brush. They wear out the wrong way ( the brush is layer on slits side as to up and down like the blower motor. Buy will work if you flip it around . I now have temporarily fixed my blower motor.
        I know it won't last long as bad as my armatucher in the motor is wornen out. Buy it should get me threw till shade tree gets me one.
        Awh the purks of working at a body shop that throws nothing away lol.


        • #19
          Originally posted by william View Post
          Lol whats that ..Google says did you mean goat cheese haha.
          Canada thang ?

          gotchees are underwear
          Last edited by bravekozak; 01-13-2015, 07:08 PM.


          • #20
            ^ good thing I got this fixed I would have froze trying to figure out what gotchees was lol.

