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Large oil leak

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  • Large oil leak

    Replaced valve cover gasket, cam, crank seals. Car still leaks. Its my GL does AC have oil lines? Its leaking in front of motor, hitting belts and goes everywhere once it does, i cant find exact location. Help? Thanks
    Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
    Red 88festiva L 4spd
    Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)

  • #2
    No to the A/C oil. Do you have power steering?


    • #3
      The oil pump itself is there behind the crank pulley. Unless the head gasket is leaking, that must be it?
      Blue '93 GL Auto: White 13" 5 Point Wheels, Full LED Conversion, and an 8" Sub


      • #4
        Could be oil pan front seal ? Maybe cam seal popped back out ? Clean and restart ?
        New build on the way .


        • #5
          No power steering. Seals are still seated, oil pan lower then belts, dont see how it would get to it. Oil pump maybe, has anyone else had this issue? Its coming right where ac belt is. Ive cleaned that area a bunch, watched it, can not see the leak. This motor has been abused. Anyone ever seen a block crack? Anyway to test block, oil pump, head area?
          Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
          Red 88festiva L 4spd
          Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)


          • #6
            Last edited by bravekozak; 12-02-2013, 11:20 PM.


            • #7
              To much work. I want to swap but time and money.

              Hmmm. Im stumped.
              Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
              Red 88festiva L 4spd
              Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)


              • #8
                Oil pan gasket. The oil hits the pulley and slings it all over...makes you think it is other things.
                "FLTG4LIFE" @FINALLEVEL , "PBH"
                89L Silver EFI auto
                91GL Green Auto DD
                There ain't no rest for the wicked
                until we close our eyes for good.
                I will sleep when I die!
                I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


                • #9
                  I guess thats possible, maybe thats why i cant see it at idle, maybe it hits pulley around turns or with wind under car. It hasnt hit the timing belt again. So its been super odd. Thats also the next simple fix. The motor runs fairly strong, burns a little oil in cyclinder 3-4 from spark plug signs but nothing major.
                  Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
                  Red 88festiva L 4spd
                  Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)


                  • #10
                    No oil in water or vise versa. Head gasket was done by PO. Maybe i should check and retighten head bolts also, but head area looks good. I hate leaking oil. I also hate how much oil my engine bay is collecting, my shop clothes are useless once im done with working on it.

                    I appreciate the responses and thought, helps me jog my brain.
                    Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
                    Red 88festiva L 4spd
                    Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)


                    • #11
                      So, i did oil pan gasket last night, about to redo it now, did not seal, headache. . Anyways, seal behind flywheel, anyone ever had one leak? This oil leak issue has to stop or im going to catch the car on fire, intentionally. Never hated my Festiva until today. Cursed car. My yellow GL has never ending issues. 88L runs like a freaking champ.
                      Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
                      Red 88festiva L 4spd
                      Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)


                      • #12
                        Btw best oil cleaning method, brake parts clean, engine degreseer, dish soap, spray off with hose, leaf blower to dry :-)
                        Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
                        Red 88festiva L 4spd
                        Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)


                        • #13
                          Join me. It's time for a B6.


                          • #14
                            Note. . . PCV valve will blow your seals if clogged. Lol. Do not add mystery motor oil or sea foam to clean your engine as bliw by will increase.
                            Yellow 91 festiva GL 5speed
                            Red 88festiva L 4spd
                            Blue 91festiva L 5spd (bad tranny, sloppy suspension)

