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Heater flush

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  • Heater flush

    What is the best and easiest way to flush the Festy heater core?

  • #2
    Pull the heater core hoses off and flush it out with a garden hose

    1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
    1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
    2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor

    1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)

    If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?


    • #3
      X2. Just alternate back and forth until it runs clear. Look up a thread called. A nice tidbit for those with barely any heat

      Sent from Kingston Ga from my hillbilly handheld
      90 festy with 92 FI motor. Digital camo paint. BHAF. short throw. currently 47 MPGs


      • #4
        Yep - a higher pressure jet spray nozzle helps a bunch getting it all cleaned out!
        1988 Chevy Sprint Turbo 997cc


        • #5
          I extended hoses upwards, and filled with phosphoric acid and let it sit overnight to eat crud.

          Sent from my rooted HTC Supersonic using Tapatalk 2 Pro


          • #6
            I bought a Prestone Radiator Flush and fill kit for $4 at WalMart. Works perfect. Flushed out my system. Added a proper 2 stage t-stat and heat!!! YEA...

