I have never had unlimited free time and by virtue of 'squirreled away' spares immediately gravitated towards swapping for answers. I could give a hoot in a rail barrel about meticulously diagnosing a faulty speed reading when it is infinitely much easier to keep swapping parts until a problem is corrected. I had a split nylon tranny sending gear at one time (which caused the speedo to jump) and was thankful for having replacements on hand, I had a spare cable to try out and I also had a couple of speedos to swap in the scheme of things. These are now become old cars and Canadian Tire and junkyards do not cater to us anymore about anything to do with them. If you're serious about hanging on to a Festy you'll start seeking out parts cars to scavenge from.
My three functional cars went to a group in Carlsbad Springs (hopefully they will join this Forum) and there is a heavy equipment repair shop owner near me that is running one (mostly as a novelty) with red body and green doors and hatch and calling it 'Red-Green show'.
My three functional cars went to a group in Carlsbad Springs (hopefully they will join this Forum) and there is a heavy equipment repair shop owner near me that is running one (mostly as a novelty) with red body and green doors and hatch and calling it 'Red-Green show'.