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FORD FESTIVA 98 TRIO (aspire in some places)

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  • FORD FESTIVA 98 TRIO (aspire in some places)

    SO my car seems to behave very poorly

    Well on the open road yesterday i was traveling along and spoted a cop hiding about, so when i came across a car i blinked my headlights thinking it would notify the oncomers, but the car jerkd badly, and my headunit reset itself at the same time.. Infact the entire electrical system seem to blink..

    It also happens when turing the aircon on, the revs will jump up and then drop nice and low, and over all the car behaves very badly. sometimes to the point were with the aircon on it hardly wants to take off and run..
    Owner of NZ's Lowest Aspire (festiva in nz)

  • #2
    Start by cleaning all body grounds mechanically, with a spinning wire wheel brush.
    Then clean the fusible links. Stidy the picture. The terminal extractor only needs to release the two outer spades. Replace fusible links with long legged push on fuses.
    Have your battery and alternator checked.
    Then, report back please.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 06-08-2014, 05:58 AM.


    • #3
      You seem to be asking about electrical problems. If you have a volt meter you can check out a few things like the battery voltage, charging votage, and various line voltages, also current on the amps setting and resistence on the ohms setting. With a simple 12 volt test light you can check for shorts. Another thing you can do is look in the fuse panel under the dash on the driver's side and try removing various fuses to see what happens, testing for short circuits. You can also disconnect the plastic electrical connectors where you suspect a problem, check for corrosion, and spray with WD-40 or contact cleaner. Headlight problems sometimes respond to a shot of WD-40 or the like around the light switch on the side of the steering column. Good luck.
      Last edited by WmWatt; 06-08-2014, 09:05 AM.
      Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.

