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Is anyone doing wheel bearings?

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  • Is anyone doing wheel bearings?

    Apparently no place around me will put one in due to me having aspire knuckles on a festiva. Dont trust myself since i messed up last time. Also dont wanna mess with the whole spacer deal.

    Im in northeast kansas

  • #2
    Message htcbbck and see if you can work something out with him. The problem is he and I both sold all our good cores and didn't get any in return so you'll probably have to ship it to him and he'll ship it back. Knuckles fit in a large flat rate so about 16$ each way+ whatever it costs to rebuild. I have too many things on my plate right now but if it's urgent and really really needs done I could squeeze it in, try to work something out with him first tho.
    2008 Kia Rio- new beater
    1987 F-150- revived and CLEAN!!!
    1987 Suzuki Dual Sport- fun beater bike
    1993 Festiva- Fiona, DD
    1997 Aspire- Peaspire, Refurb'd, sold
    1997 Aspire- Babyspire, DD
    1994 Aspire - Project Kiazord
    1994 Aspire- Crustyspire, RIP

    "If it moves, grease it, if it don't, paint it, and if it ain't broke don't fix it!"


    • #3
      Its not really urgent but my search for a decent junkyard one was a bust


      • #4
        Don't forget Rio stuff is the same. It will open up your search.


        • #5
          Dammit i forgot about the rios! Will it interchange with aspire? As in do i need rio on both sides?


          • #6
            I can do the knuckles if you send them. Paypal the money for parts plus, I dunno, ten bucks apiece? Zoom Zoom should be able to do them. htcbbck has been doing them for a while, check with him first. That is his "bag" and I have no desire to elbow my way in there

            Big hints. If you wear them out a lot, suspect bad struts. Insist on Timken Bearings. Accept no substitutes. Never forget to put the spacer back in!
            Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
            Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
            "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


            • #7
              Originally posted by scitzz View Post
              I can do the knuckles if you send them. Paypal the money for parts plus, I dunno, ten bucks apiece? Zoom Zoom should be able to do them. htcbbck has been doing them for a while, check with him first. That is his "bag" and I have no desire to elbow my way in there

              Big hints. If you wear them out a lot, suspect bad struts. Insist on Timken Bearings. Accept no substitutes. Never forget to put the spacer back in!
              Decent offer! In a pinch you can always corner the techs at a Kia dealership; the early versions had the exact same set up of preload spacer etc.


              • #8
                I bet kia would want a million doll hairs


                • #9
                  You could just take the knuckle off yourself, go to a machine shop and tell them it's off of an Aspire. Last time I had one done it was about $45.00. A lot cheaper than all that shipping, plus the repair.


                  • #10
                    I just want it loaded right


                    • #11
                      I pounded mine in with a sledge hammer and a 2x4. Any bets how long they'll last?


                      • #12
                        I pressed mine in but im assuming the spacer was too thick and overloaded the bearing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by falkenfighter View Post
                          I pressed mine in but im assuming the spacer was too thick and overloaded the bearing.
                          The spacer is made to fit the knuckle, not the bearings. Generally speaking, if your preload is too much, crack it apart, and try again, not pressing so hard. I have put them together "too tight" and it was too hard to turn. Pop them back apart, and tried again.

                          Just last year, a non member was learning from me how to do them. His first try on his own failed. We did them together, and they started failing.
                          So, even though his struts seemed to pass a bounce test, when we removed them, we found on each one a spot in the travel where they stuck. Replaced the struts, new bearings again, and for the last year, no problems.

                          In 20 years, every time I have had a problem with bearings, it has been fixed by new struts....well, and new bearings of course
                          Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
                          Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
                          "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.


                          • #14
                            Just don't mix up the spacers, keep them with the side they came out of and more often then not they will be OK. And use timken bearings, available at most Autozone stores.

                            93 GL modyfied!!!


                            • #15
                              I've rebuilt a set of aspire ones, boy do they look amazing sitting on my shelf. I haven't gotten around to installing them yet. Need to find 4 x 100 wheels....
                              91 Festiva L "Erika" b3t swap on the way
                              06 Jeep Cherokee Overland
                              95 Aspire (sold)

