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Check Engine Light

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  • Check Engine Light

    Today on the way to work, my 93L CEL came on at highway speeds, then went off. It did this several times while at speeds over 60mph. It would stay on for about 5 mins then turn off.. back on.. off.. each time in aout 5-10 intervals. No loss of power, no obvious indication of trouble. Once off the interstate, light stayed off... Just wondering if anyone may have a guess.. I know I would have to get it to a shop to get the engine codes... I checked the oil, it was a quart low, I added oil.. engine temp was normal. Anythoughts??


    5 spd

  • #2
    No guess. No shop. Ground the ECA self-test connector (Y/GR), between the brake reservoir and the shock tower. Then count the number of flashes. Report back.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 06-30-2014, 09:31 AM.


    • #3
      You don't need to take it to a shop to get the codes checked, most places don't even know how to do that on a Festy.
      Here is how to do it at home.

      There is a black, single wire plug hanging loose by the coil on the driver's side of the engine bay. Basically with a piece of wire, you want to ground that plug, after doing so and by flipping the key to the on position, the CEL will come on, then go out, it will then proceed to blink the 2 digit trouble codes, long blinks indicated the first digit, short fast blinks indicate second digit. Now if you having multiple codes it will blink them one after another with a pause in between, but will start to repeat once all codes have been read out.

      Now to make sense of the codes either get a Haynes manual, or just post the codes here we can tell you what the code means.

      Sorry if some things don't make sense, I just woke up. lol
      Last edited by TorqueEffect; 06-30-2014, 09:22 AM.
      1991 Ford Festiva BP (Full Aspire/Rio Swap) (337k Miles) (Around 95k Engine)
      2002 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport 2.2L DOHC Ecotec (Threw a Rod)
      1998 Chevy Monte Carlo LS 3.1 V6 (225k miles) Best MPG = 28


      • #4
        Dont trust me because has been a while since I read the codes.

        01 Ignition diagnostic monitor
        02 Cranck Sensor
        08 VAF Sensor
        09 ECT Sensor
        10 Vaf Temp. Sensor
        14 BP (Barometric Pressure??)
        15 O2 Sensor
        17 O2 Sensor
        26 Evap System
        34 IAC

        [-] [-] [-]
        STO VPWR
        [-] [-] [-] [-] one pin connector to ground
        SML STI

        I made a note with these codes when I had accses to Mitchell on Demand System several years ago.

        Good Luck.
        Last edited by Festival; 06-30-2014, 10:20 AM. Reason: Add a link
        1993 GL


        • #5
          Ok i grounded the wire. With the key on, engine off, the CEL was on. Once grounded the light went off… no flashing what so ever. Does this mean I have a gerbil living in there or is it an intermittent fault only kicking on the CEL while I drive.. Any thoughts?


          • #6
            Originally posted by dkuehl View Post
            Ok i grounded the wire. With the key on, engine off, the CEL was on. Once grounded the light went off… no flashing what so ever. Does this mean I have a gerbil living in there or is it an intermittent fault only kicking on the CEL while I drive.. Any thoughts?
            Hmm, I never understood how the ECU stores the codes, but one thing you can try is immediately after driving it and having this intermittent CEL pop up, try getting the code then.
            1991 Ford Festiva BP (Full Aspire/Rio Swap) (337k Miles) (Around 95k Engine)
            2002 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport 2.2L DOHC Ecotec (Threw a Rod)
            1998 Chevy Monte Carlo LS 3.1 V6 (225k miles) Best MPG = 28


            • #7
              UGH!! I got home, the light was on. I grabbed the jumper. shut the car off, turn the dash lighs on, grounded the wire.. CEL goes out, No flashing.... With this being an intermitten fault, any thoughts what to check next? I have no other issues other than the CEL going on and off.. no loss of power..


              • #8
                My festiva did the exact same thing tonight but also flashed while on city streets. Idling it didn't flash but when driving it did


                • #9
                  We're you able to get a code finally? Mine stopped acting up but now it's back again. I asked my neighbor about it and he said it's a misfire that is causing catalytic converter damage idk though.i trust what he says so I'm gonna do another full tune-up and get rid of the converter and see if it helps. As this is my dd


                  • #10
                    This makes no sense:

                    "Ok i grounded the wire. With the key on, engine off, the CEL was on. Once grounded the light went off… no flashing what so ever."

                    Procedure is with engine off, better yet key out of ignition, ground the appropriate terminal.
                    There are at least 2 different single plug terminals in that general area have to make sure you get the right one.
                    Assuming Torque is correct that it is a single black wire, make sure it doesn't have a strip.
                    Then turn the ignition to the on position.
                    my guess is a 15 or 17, or possibly both.
                    '93 Blue 5spd 230K(down for clutch and overall maintanence)
                    '93 White B6 swap thanks to Skeeters Keeper
                    '92 Aqua parts Car
                    '93 Turquoise 5spd 137K
                    '90 White LX Thanks to FB71

                    "Your God of repentance will not save you.
                    Your holy ghost will not save you.
                    Your God plutonium will not save you.
                    In fact...
                    ...You will not be saved!"

                    Prince of Darkness -1987


                    • #11
                      Just to clarify. The single test connector itself is black in color. The wire color is yellow with green stripe. There is a black protective cover over the yellow wire that makes the wire appear black. There is also a single white connector in the same location. Do not use this one. It is for the RPM signal.
                      "Fred" 93 Festiva L B6-ME Swap
                      “Though he is small, he is but fierce.”


                      • #12
                        Does it history codes or just show what's current?
                        1993 Festiva - White/Black - 5 speed


                        • #13
                          It stores codes until they are cleared.


                          • #14
                            Good to know. Thanks
                            1993 Festiva - White/Black - 5 speed


                            • #15
                              Female spade connection?

