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BP Speedo and passenger cv bracket help

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  • BP Speedo and passenger cv bracket help

    I bought a 91 with a BP swap, has a 01 rio 5 speed tranny. The speedo gear looks to be a digital one, has a connector with three prongs. My cluster is from a 323 I think and has a cable speedo. Any ideas on how I can get this speedo working? Also the cable itself is broke so I would need a replacement also. Will any old speedo cable work? What about length?

    I also need help with replacing the bracket that is on the passenger cv shaft. It looks like it bolts to the engine but the bolt holes on the bracket are busted. Any ideas on what bracket will fit this bp swap? I didn't do any of the work so I really don't know what one I need.
    Last edited by MTec007; 07-31-2014, 11:43 AM. Reason: info

  • #2
    Slide the electronic speedo gear box out and slide a stock festy box in . Then use the stock festy cable or Capri cable or aspire cable , they will all work .
    New build on the way .


    • #3
      Thanks. I will give it a try once I get time and source the parts.

      Any help in finding a bracket for the cv axel?


      • #4
        The bracket is part of the intermediate shaft.I would just fill the holes redrill and be done with it. These shafts are not available new,used ones go for @ 75-150.
        Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know-
        Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
        Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link


        • #5
          There is nothing to fill. The bolt holes are broke off Is it a festiva part that I need on the bp swap or a different one ?


          • #6

            Sent from my USCC-C6721 using Tapatalk
            Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know-
            Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
            Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link


            • #7
              Thanks! Assuming I can find all these parts I will be back in business! Thanks guys.
              Last edited by MTec007; 07-31-2014, 07:39 PM.


              • #8
                Yes its a 323 GT or Capri XR2
                Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know-
                Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
                Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link


                • #9
                  I think I have a intermediate shaft secured but here is what I am talking about.


                  • #10
                    Wow that position is all wrong . It need to go up and over , and sorry to say but that won't last long at all . You have all the correct parts no need to buy more , just add a plate on the end and red ill holes ...
                    New build on the way .


                    • #11
                      BP Speedo and passenger cv bracket help

                      I don't know anything about this, I bought the car already swapped. What kind of plate can fix this? All three bolt holes are broke off.
                      Will save me from spending $120 but I don't want any half-"done" mechanicing. I'm not sure what the correct position is either. Any and all advise is welcomed. Thanks guys.
                      Last edited by MTec007; 08-04-2014, 05:56 PM. Reason: info


                      • #12
                        This is an odd find for me. The speedo cable has an extension on it. The extension is broke not the whole cable. Anyone know if I can replace that or better to get a one peice cable ?


                        • #13
                          Aspires have an extension like that.Don't know if they are the same size or not.


                          • #14
                            I've got a gear and cable on the way. Now just to fix the shaft issue...


                            • #15
                              Does anyone know how I can fix this intermediate shaft with a plate and where I need to move it to? I can't seem to find any pictures of one mounted for reference.

