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Where is the starter located 89 Festiva EFI Auto trans

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  • #16
    Great! Let us know when she is up and running. While you are waiting, remove your intake hose and make sure your VAF door moves freely. Your fuel pump will not run if the VAF is not working.
    "Fred" 93 Festiva L B6-ME Swap
    “Though he is small, he is but fierce.”


    • #17
      Ok you got me again what is the VAF door? Are you talking about the fuel intake line?


      • #18
        OK you must be talking about the air intake and I assume is the Air Flow?


        • #19
          Originally posted by gunnerw View Post
          OK you must be talking about the air intake and I assume is the Air Flow?
 video. Just remove intake tube and make sure the door moves.
          Last edited by dalebwilson; 08-12-2014, 04:20 AM.
          "Fred" 93 Festiva L B6-ME Swap
          “Though he is small, he is but fierce.”


          • #20
            Ok, I replaced the fuel pump (gotta love that access panel) Again tried to start. It will crank (also a new starter) it does crank and will act like it want to fire but nothing. I tried the jump the two pins again with the paper clip and now i get no sound, no clicking. Is it my fuel pump relay? I check the out side of the fuel filter and cranked the starter. I have no fuel coming out. I dont hear the fuel pump running either. That is what make me think fuel pump relay.
            Last edited by gunnerw; 08-22-2014, 09:14 AM.


            • #21
              Pull the side panel on the driver's side rear. There should be an fuel shut- off relay there in case of an accident. Reset the button and see if the fuel pump runs then.
              Life's a beach, then you marry one---- Shakespeare
              If money will fix it, it's not broken
              91 GL -Ol' Rusty
              93 GL - Lil Red
              91 L - Tweetystiva


              • #22


                • #23
                  Is this the access to the inertia fuel shut off? It appears to be a white reset spring button?


                  • #24
                    I found the fuel inertia shut off. The fuel pump still isn't running. I don't seem to have any power to the fuel pump. Anyone know any next steps? I checked the owners manual and there doesn't appear to be a fuse for the fuel system. Any more ideas?


                    • #25
                      Can you check it with a multimeter to be sure its not getting power?
                      91 Festiva L "Erika" b3t swap on the way
                      06 Jeep Cherokee Overland
                      95 Aspire (sold)


                      • #26
                        The EGI fusable link powers the fuel system. The fuel pump relay is under the dash on the drivers side. There is a non servicable fuel pump switch in the VAF that must be closed for the fuel pump to run.
                        "Fred" 93 Festiva L B6-ME Swap
                        “Though he is small, he is but fierce.”


                        • #27
                          I replaced the EGI fusable link with a hard fuse. The VAF door does swing freely but i don't know about the VAF fuel pump switch. I still think it might be the fuel relay because when i jump the two leads using a paper clip I am not getting any clicks. Ill check the power from the pump back. Is there any procedure to check the VAF fuel switch?

                          As always i appreciate all the help



                          • #28
                            You will need to use your repair manual to determine the 2 fuel pump switch terminals in the VAF. Prop the VAF door open and test for continuity across the 2 terminals.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            "Fred" 93 Festiva L B6-ME Swap
                            “Though he is small, he is but fierce.”


                            • #29
                              I checked the power to the fuel pump through female connector at the pump with the key on. I get a constant fluctuation on the digital meter anywhere from 0-10 volts. The meter never stops scrolling.


                              • #30
                                Did you check the fuel pump switch in the VAF for continuity? If that checks good, replace the fuel pump relay under the drivers side dash.
                                Last edited by dalebwilson; 08-24-2014, 05:40 PM.
                                "Fred" 93 Festiva L B6-ME Swap
                                “Though he is small, he is but fierce.”

