I just bought this '91 with the blower motor out
(The ad claimed a/c, but then of course, it doesn't work- I bought it anyway to replace the 88 Festy I had to sell three years ago)
Anyway just starting to look into it as the sun set today- fuse OK
I'll test the continuiity next
The guy said it's the blower motor- "a $40 part" and he's about right about the price I see- at least a used one.
What I'm wondering is where the hell it's at- or at least how do I get to it-
According to my Haynes repair manual: "on models through 1993, the blower motor is in the heater housing under the center of the dash"
OK- I can get there-
but the next instructions are to
"remove the three screws retaining the blower motor to the housing- see illustration-. Withdraw the blower motor straight down and out of the housing"
there's the illustarition with three screws as plain as day and the end of the blower motor which must be what? 3 or 4 inches round at least
perhaps Haynes skips to the post '93 models where it's in it's own unit????
So my question is- where are those three blower motor screws? Do I have to split the heater housing?
I hope it doesn't require the dash and steering wheel and control bezel to be removed- like the heater core.
The repair manual makes it sound like it just comes out the bottom of the box somehow otherwise, but I'm not sure.
Anyone familiar with the removal of the blower motor?
