Hi all, just found this forum and LOVE IT! :-) I have the same issue. I live in Sweden and picked up a 1988 121 a few weeks back. On the 250 km drive home from the seller in -15 Celsius, the heat inside the car was so bad that I could hardly tell whether the cabin air flow was cold or hot. It just about kept the windows clear; temp gauge just moved slightly above the lowest mark. Got home, replaced the t-stat for a "Nordic conditions" variety and took a test drive. Somewhat better but still only pushing the temp gauge needle to somewhere between "cold" and "normal". Next step will be ignition adjustment, flushing out the cooling system and see what that does.
Here's a question though: My car seems to respond very bad to throttle action on higher RPMs. - she's coughing like hell when I slip her some gas above 3000. She also seems very thirsty. My theory is that for some reason the automatic choke doesn't shut off, continuously giving ther engine to much fuel. Any thoughts on that? Thanks in advance guys, great forum!
Big up from Sweden!
Here's a question though: My car seems to respond very bad to throttle action on higher RPMs. - she's coughing like hell when I slip her some gas above 3000. She also seems very thirsty. My theory is that for some reason the automatic choke doesn't shut off, continuously giving ther engine to much fuel. Any thoughts on that? Thanks in advance guys, great forum!
