I'm super bummed drained my oil and found oil flakes very very fine pieces tho I couldn't even feel it when I rub it on my fingers. Thinking it was the rings I compression tested my engine and it was 170 across all cylinders which seems fine to me. What do you guys think? Maybe my oil pump? If I can't figure this out thinking bout selling the car.
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Bad news! Metal flakes in oil!
When you change your oil next time, use hot glue to adhere some rare earth magnets (5, one on the end and 4 around) to the oil filter. When the time comes to change it again, tear into that filter after removing the magnets and see what you find.
Yeah, and what Jayber said.In love with a MadScientist!:thumbright:
There's a fine line between breathtaking ingenuity and "That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen!"
Good point.In love with a MadScientist!:thumbright:
There's a fine line between breathtaking ingenuity and "That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen!"
The rings are magnetic but flakes of ring would be really hard to see. Flakes of head, front cover or bearings are easier to see with good light.
You could send an oil sample to a tractor or truck dealer for testing.
When I push them too hard it seems rings are first to go. If they are allowed to get gunky then you can cavitate the oil pump until the oil warms enough to come back downstairs. The oil will be pumped into the valve cover area and it will stay there if oil is a little cold, or a little old and thick or if the drains back down stairs are dirty and restricting oil.
If you race it you run it hard but have probably kept it cleaner than normal. So it really could be rings from hard racing and a magnet would remove the debris from engine oil.Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig