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  • vacuum

    20150901_101609.jpg where do the two vacuum lines go ? The two next to the secondary opening in the manifold on the drivers side one is a straight metal nipple one is a tee metal nipple I'm not sure if this pic is good enough.Thanks
    30 + Vehicle projects right now.7 Festiva/Mazda 10 GM IDK how many others,hope that helps explain all the stupid questions/shortcuts/interchanges etc. trying to liquidate so I concentrate on the good ones. Goal finish 1 amonth using as much stuff as I already have accumulated.

  • #2
    I posted a thread (on page 4 of repair at the moment), "vacuum diagrams for carbs", 7-25-2015, linking to photobucket. All the connections are on there.
    When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.


    • #3
      Good luck.


      • #4
        I tried using your facebook link before I posted this and I do not need luck does anyone know where these two lines go? Thank you.
        30 + Vehicle projects right now.7 Festiva/Mazda 10 GM IDK how many others,hope that helps explain all the stupid questions/shortcuts/interchanges etc. trying to liquidate so I concentrate on the good ones. Goal finish 1 amonth using as much stuff as I already have accumulated.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ricko1966 View Post
          I tried using your facebook link before I posted this and I do not need luck does anyone know where these two lines go? Thank you.
          That was supposed to say photobucket not facebook.which for some reason will not open the pictures when I try on my phone.Guess I'll have to make some time to get to the library and jump on a computer.
          30 + Vehicle projects right now.7 Festiva/Mazda 10 GM IDK how many others,hope that helps explain all the stupid questions/shortcuts/interchanges etc. trying to liquidate so I concentrate on the good ones. Goal finish 1 amonth using as much stuff as I already have accumulated.


          • #6
            Redundant and deleted
            Last edited by WmWatt; 09-04-2015, 01:57 PM.
            Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


            • #7
              That picture does not look like my 88 carbie, what is the engine description?
              Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


              • #8
                Originally posted by Movin View Post
                That picture does not look like my 88 carbie, what is the engine description?
                Is it the physical shape of the lines that is different? Although the vacuum routing diagrams are drawn quite differently, I traced them all, line by line, and they all route to the exact same points - with the possibility that there could be differences in where the vacuum is sourced off the manifold. Maybe there is some difference in the 88 & 89 manifolds? I have an 89 4-Spd MTX, nothing looks like it could be modified.
                When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.


                • #9
                  Bought the car 01/1988 festiva with no carb.manifold or distributor.Bought manifold,distributor and factory reman carb off Craigslist.I assumed all carby festivas had same manifold and carb provided they were both from manual trans.A/C equipped cars.Gentleman I really appreciate your time and help with this thing,it is going to be quite a challenge getting this thing back together since I didn't take it apart.
                  30 + Vehicle projects right now.7 Festiva/Mazda 10 GM IDK how many others,hope that helps explain all the stupid questions/shortcuts/interchanges etc. trying to liquidate so I concentrate on the good ones. Goal finish 1 amonth using as much stuff as I already have accumulated.


                  • #10
                    ricko, if you have somewhere I could email the diagrams so that you could print them, send a PM - or I could send some snail mail.
                    When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.


                    • #11
                      My vacuum diagram does not look like that either

                      Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


                      • #12
                        [That vacuum diagram, top left, is from page 103 of the 1988 EVTM. It only depicts 1 of the 2 vacuum control valves which are under the intake manifold. The rest of the vacuum diagram is on page 101 of the 1988 EVTM. The drawing, top right, is on page 30 of "Festiva- Engine Emissions & Related Systems" showing the same vacuum connections laid out in another configuration. The emissions label has the same diagram used on page 112 of the 1989 EVTM.] The vacuum diagram I used on photobucket is from the 1989 EVTM, which has the complete vacuum circuits drawn together in one drawing (like the emissions label in your post). Just glancing over the drawings, I thought there would be some differences which I wanted to know about. The 2 different years are laid out differently and appear to be different, but they are not. I have both EVTMs. I took paper copies of both years and using a marker, matched each of them line for line. At this point, I don't believe any differences will be found between 88 & 89 carbs.
                        When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.


                        • #13
                          Attached Files
                          When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.


                          • #14
                            Thats a nice drawing, and text...I can't even make stick figures lol. My white car has like new vacuum hose as it was a toad. If you need the color or check pattern off a hose I have a pretty clean example, and they are all still there and working good.
                            Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


                            • #15
                              Movin, although not strictly needed, I would like to find out how many, and which, of the vacuum hoses originally had colored hash marks. I'm not sure if all the marked hoses were shown in the Festiva literature. Also, if someone can authoritively tell me it's OK to put all the pictures (13) on the forum, I'll see if I can get them to post right. I thought it might be a little too much - never thought there could be a problem to access photobucket.
                              When I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm HORRID.

