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Alternator issue in Deadman Pass

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  • Alternator issue in Deadman Pass

    Last night, I was tooling down Deadman Pass (6 miles of winding 6% grade) westbound in Eastern Oregon.

    About 2/3 of the way down with about 50 knots of tailwind, trying to keep it under 80 with it in 5th using compression braking, just as I passed the 2nd runaway truck ramp, I noticed the orange alternator idiot light had come on.

    It stayed on for a minute or two more until reaching the desert floor, then went out. There were no "electrical" odors.

    The car ran perfectly today for another 300 miles or so to Seattle.

    Any ideas what happened? I'm thinking I should be carrying a spare carby-style alternator just in case.
    Last edited by AlaskaFestivaGuy; 11-08-2015, 04:24 PM.
    88L black, dailydriver
    88LX silver a/c, dailydriver
    4 88/89 disassembled
    91L green
    91GL aqua pwrsteer
    92GL red a/c reardmg
    3 93L blue, 2 dailydriver, 1 frontdmg
    1952 Cessna170B floatplane

  • #2
    No idea, all i can add is that mine has come on 2 or 3 times while driving normally then gone out but with no noticeable dim in lights or power and no consequences a year later. Still drives good.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • #3

      Interesting. I've only had this car for 6+ months and just started driving it a month ago, so this may be its version of "normal."

      I'd be thinking its time for a new voltage regulator, but someone today told me that the voltage regulator is somehow built in to the alternator, and we all know how difficult it is to get the alternator off a carby with all that emission control plumbing above it -- and this car has AC in the way also.

      I do think I'll refrain from nighttime desert crossings until I gain more confidence in the beast. Leading up to the pass from the Idaho side, I recall seeing a sign on I-84 that said "No services next 75 miles!"
      88L black, dailydriver
      88LX silver a/c, dailydriver
      4 88/89 disassembled
      91L green
      91GL aqua pwrsteer
      92GL red a/c reardmg
      3 93L blue, 2 dailydriver, 1 frontdmg
      1952 Cessna170B floatplane


      • #4
        Alternator issue in Deadman Pass

        Personally i wouldnt worry about it. But where your spare tire is there is TONS of room. I have lots of extra parts there i have never had to use in over 200,000km... Stick a spare alternator in bubble wrap there with the tools needed to change it. Or buy one of these: and make sure you have a good battery. A real good battery on a festiva with no alt charging, lights, radio and everything off will probably get you 75 miles. That plug in thing will confirm if your actually not charging. Keep it in the glove box for when the light comes on.
        Dont be dumb about it of course but keep in mind these are some of the most reliable cars out there when stock. In over 200k i have had a heater hose crack (was 20yrs old and i should have replaced it), a wire corrode through (was underneath my battery and i had a big subwoofer/amplifier setup and a weak battery. Battery would boil over and spill acid. Acid ate through wire.), and my distributor quit. (It gave me just over a year of warning, i just didn't know what the problem was and didn't try much to diagnose it).

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Last edited by ryanprins13; 11-09-2015, 11:03 PM.


        • #5
          The alternator on a carb'd Festiva comes off easily. Just remove the pivot bolt and the position bolt and the wires. Best done from below but I can adjust mine from above so it might come out from above too. From above it's by feel. From below you can see what you're doing, same as replacing the oil filter.
          Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


          • #6
            Just saw a better version on ebay for only $10. Digital readout and charges your phone!

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            • #7
              My alternator died one night in O.P . Kansas got a ride to the nearest Walmart. Drove home (Lacygne ks) about 45 miles lights on. Next morning drove to pick n pull ( Downtown KCMO,about 65 miles) wipers as little and park as little as I could get away with spending on traffic and via ability in the rain. Parking lot alt repair and all good . If I hadn't been running a junk battery to begin with I probably wouldn't have needed to buy the new battery.
              30 + Vehicle projects right now.7 Festiva/Mazda 10 GM IDK how many others,hope that helps explain all the stupid questions/shortcuts/interchanges etc. trying to liquidate so I concentrate on the good ones. Goal finish 1 amonth using as much stuff as I already have accumulated.


              • #8
                I was in Plymouth Voyager and the Alt went out traveling from Florida to Indiana. It started to run sour and lose lights getting dark in South Pittsburg west of Chatanooga
                and I barely managed to get off the road and into a Wal-Mart lot. I didn't know if it was really the alt and bought a new battery at Wal-Mart and started out then in the morning. There were no symptoms of anything wrong until I got to Louisville Ky- Friday evening RUSH Hour- I carry a charger at least now- I'll FIND power-

                so the van then really starts going sour as I'm going through Louisville- and they're working on the road- if the van conks I got NO Where to go! There's not even a birm and I'm just hoping it doesn't stop or I'll die right there on the jammed interstate lane.
                I barely got through there and over the River to Jeffersonville IN and it acts as if it'll die when I stop- I conk out a block from some charging place- have to schlepp the battery over there on foot- an hour or less before they are going to close- and I get the stupid new battery recharged a bit - enough to move the van and find a place to sleep-restlessly- some noisy stupid road with everybody racing around and partying- and then I got a rebuilt alt in the morning- except since I'm on the road- instead of trying to install it I make a run for home only some 90 miles away or so- anyway- then the battery goes through the same pattern only quicker- no symptoms at all until the last twenty miles or so- I limp in, it dies at home as soon as I park.

                So anyway - since it was the alt and not the battery- I installed the rebuilt alternator and the recharge old battery and took the tennesse bought battery- recharged- back to Wal Mart for a refund- it was a lot of money and I was out the same for the alternator and charging otherwise
                Last edited by harpon; 11-11-2015, 02:00 AM.


                • #9
                  Check to see that your belt is tight.
                  Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
                  Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
                  "Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.

