I posted a little while ago about my car bucking at low speeds. I never found the reason for it, and it's even worse now. I replaced the TPS sensor, and it didn't help. If anything, it made it worse. I unplugged it and drove it around the block to see if that was the problem, but it still bucks even when it's not connected. I took it to a reputable mechanic who I've gone to for years; and is a very trusted family friend. He drove it and thinks it has play in the tranny; but I have to disagree. The engine RPMs go down when I try to take off and when the bucking starts. This car is impossible to drive in traffic and I'm sick of burning the crap out of my clutch to try to take off in first or second gear. Sometimes I even have to start in 3rd gear and floor it to not buck. If I floor the car it will violently jerk once but then be ok. If I don't floor it at low speeds, it violently jerks and is horrible to drive until you get to 25+mph. All of the motor mounts check out, and as I said before the TPS is brand new.
Please help.
Please help.