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Brake Pedal to the Floor!

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  • #16
    "I can hear a wheezing sound coming from the master break cylinder / booster when I pump the pedal" Sorry, missed that. Shouldn't expect a leaking valve or seal in a new master cyclinder.
    Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


    • #17
      Originally posted by WmWatt View Post
      "I can hear a wheezing sound coming from the master break cylinder / booster when I pump the pedal" Sorry, missed that. Shouldn't expect a leaking valve or seal in a new master cyclinder.
      Thanks for everyone's input, I've bled the lines again, thoroughly, and didn't see any air. I've already replaced the master cylinder so I'm thinking i will replace the brake booster next.

      Seems very expensive to get one for my 88 (I've been quoted 130 to 160 plus shipping of a couple weeks).

      Can anyone confirm if a booster from another car will work? Someone on here suggested an mx5 would work, what about aspire?

      Otherwise I guess I'll try and find one in a junk yard, but I'd prefer to have new brake parts if possible.

      Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk


      • #18
        Aspires mc work very good. 2 of my cars have Aspire mc's and boosters. Big difference, a major plus from my point of view.
        Team Lightning

        Owner of Team Lightning
        90 L "Peewee" B6D. Bought new May 16,1990
        92 L Thunder BP G5M-R Turbo B6T electronics. Jan 2016 FOTM winner SOLD
        93 L Lightning. BP

        Not a user of drugs or alcohol, Just addicted to Festiva's


        • #19
          Originally posted by Team Lightning View Post
          Aspires mc work very good. 2 of my cars have Aspire mc's and boosters. Big difference, a major plus from my point of view.
          Will an aspire brake booster work with a festiva MC? The master cylinders from both look pretty much the same except the brake line location is a little different,right?

          Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk


          • #20
            I see no reason why it won't work with the stock mc
            Team Lightning

            Owner of Team Lightning
            90 L "Peewee" B6D. Bought new May 16,1990
            92 L Thunder BP G5M-R Turbo B6T electronics. Jan 2016 FOTM winner SOLD
            93 L Lightning. BP

            Not a user of drugs or alcohol, Just addicted to Festiva's


            • #21
              A bad booster will not cause brake loss just hard high pedal and you will have to push real hard to have brakes.Just like if your power brake equipped car is not running and you apply the brakes.
              30 + Vehicle projects right now.7 Festiva/Mazda 10 GM IDK how many others,hope that helps explain all the stupid questions/shortcuts/interchanges etc. trying to liquidate so I concentrate on the good ones. Goal finish 1 amonth using as much stuff as I already have accumulated.


              • #22
                Thanks for everyone's input on this issue. Wanted to let you all know that my festy is back on the road thanks to you guys on this forum.

                I ended up switching out the brake booster, master cylinder, and bleeding the brakes ALOT. I suspect it was air in the lines but it may have been the brake booster.

                So stoked to be driving this thing. Like many others Ive taken out the back seat and built a false floor for the back so my dog can ride with me. I'll post some before and after pics in another post.

                Thanks again!

                Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk


                • #23
                  I took out the back seat for cargo, and the passenger seat for the dog.
                  Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.


                  • #24
                    I'm Google searching for the proportioning valve for bleeding the brakes but how does it work differently than a regular old 19 sixties or seventies Ford brake bleeding farthest then to closest to the master cylinder

