OK guys, so after 22 hours of hard labor the new block is in and she's running great.... if the vacuum advance is plugged and i set the timing... the engine runs smooth, minus some valve chatter.... when i plug in the vacuum advance the idle goes a little knocky, if i turn on the air inside or the light and it goes to high idle it runs great, but ofcourse a little higher idle. What am I missing and please dont say a 300$ dizzy, I've had just about enough of the expensive and time consuming repairs.
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Vacuum advance idles erratic
Sounds like the vac advance diaphragm is leaking. But the real question is does your vac advance have 2 ports? Or are you running the B6t unit? I ask because it doesn't say anything about upper or lower port.Trees aren't kind to me...
currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.
If I unplug the top vacuum advance hose on my car the engine dies. I know because that's the hose I pull and into which stick the vacuum guage for engine diagnosis. I have to be quick or the engine stalls and dies.That hose should have normal vacuum about 18-22 I think it is.
Last edited by WmWatt; 09-20-2016, 07:00 PM.Original owner of silver grey carburetted 1989 Festiva. 105k km as of June 2006. 140k km as of June 2021.