so... how hard would it be to move the entire AC system from one festy to another?
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so... how hard would it be to move the entire AC system from one festy to another?
Well it depends what you consider hard. I had never taken a good look at an ac setup in a festiva before and i recieved all the components in the mail and installed it in my car which didnt have it before.
Installing the mechanical parts was easy and fairly quick. Harder part for me was installing the wiring, figuring out where that was all supposed to go and the cabin air filter.
If your removing it yourself that would be significantly easier to figure out.
You will still need all the maintinance parts like o-rings, dryer, expansion valve, belt, stuff to charge it with...
Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
Ok, so the Festy with AC was acquired VERY cheaply (parts swap), so I didn't have many overall hopes for it. It "kinda" runs, so I fired it up today, and just for kicks, hit the AC. And: IT TOTALLY WORKS, AND WELL!!!!
It was warm out today, so I definitely could tell when it was on or off... Wooo! Parts swap to commence shortly...