I've got an 88 lx standard transmission. Wrecked a couple of weeks ago and am replacing the radiator. Bought one off ebay for a penny, but turns out it's for an automatic. I'm sure I can just plug the lines for the transmission fluid and be ok, but my old radiator had a sensor or something that screwed into the bottom of the radiator that the new radiator doesn't have. I assume it's the thermostat but I'm not sure. Will I run ok without it connected, or do I need it for temp control? And what is it anyway?
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Radiator question
You might be talking about the drain plug...
And yes you need it to run.
I thought temp gages hooked up on the top radiator hose where it comes out of the engine. There should be two little black connectors that come out of the wire loom that hook up to the Thermostat cover.
Look about 6-7 posts down.
There doesn't seem to be a place for this temperature sensor to go on this one. Would that be right? But it also looks as though there are 2 drain plugs, one on the bottom and one on the side of the bottom piece of the radiator, on the battery side. Could that be where the temp sensor is supposed to go?
ok.... first thing , is you don't need to do anything with the trans cooler lines, you don't even need to plug them off. leave them alone
second of all that thermostatic switch in the bottom of the radiator does not apply to you, just leave it in there so the coolant doesn't just drain out
third of all ( which everyone missed)
your engine will run much cooler . as being the automatic trans radiator is a double row radiator
But my car has that. I unscrewed a temperature sensor/thermostatic switch from the bottom of my old radiator. It has two wires running from it into the car (haven't traced it). I don't think my new one has the place to screw this in, so do you mean just tie it off somewhere and let it hang?
Originally posted by therrisThere doesn't seem to be a place for this temperature sensor to go on this one. Would that be right? But it also looks as though there are 2 drain plugs, one on the bottom and one on the side of the bottom piece of the radiator, on the battery side. Could that be where the temp sensor is supposed to go?
and sorry i misread your post