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Headlight fusible link keeps blowing

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  • Headlight fusible link keeps blowing

    I've blown my headlight fusible link twice now. I replaced it last when it blew with a normal spade fuse holder and put a 15 amp fuse in it. I blew that fuse this morning. Here's a little background. The first time it blew three weeks ago, I was at a stoplight and a VW wanted to race and exactly as I started releasing the clutch, the fuse blew. I had my headlights on that time, and when the fuse blew, the headlights went out and the charge light came on although the alternator was still charging the battery. When the fusible link blew last night, it did not have my headlights on. I was at a stoplight. I was holding the rpms above normal, and when I started releasing the clutch the fuse blew. This morning my headlights were off, I was at a stoplight, started taking off and it blew again.

    My question is, what else is connected to the headlight circuit? I want to get this fixed that way I don't have to keep fixing it.
    The Festiva Store
    Specializing in restoration, tuning and custom parts.

  • #2
    Don't worry guys, I fixed it. The battery was sliding forwards and backwards and when I took off it would slide backwards and hit the bundle of wires into the metal brace that holds the coil. It eventually broke through the electrical tape and shorted the wire against the metal brace.
    The Festiva Store
    Specializing in restoration, tuning and custom parts.


    • #3
      Make sure the battery is stapped down too

      Glad to hear you got it resolved, I was going to say make sure its strapped down too. I have had lots of probs with my battery not being secured and with hitting bumps made it hit the bottom of the hood. Good luck with your car.

