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Speedometer stopped working. Cluster bezel is not coming out

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  • Speedometer stopped working. Cluster bezel is not coming out

    First: I have a 1989 Ford Festiva L

    Well about a week ago I took my Festiva to a friend to replace the clutch. I left it over their for a couple days and picked it up and noticed that the speedometer and water temperature guage was not working. The fuel guage works it's just those two that don't.

    I was thinking that it was probably a connection that came unplugged from the back of the cluster. Well I'm reading the Haynes book and it says I have to remove the bezel around the cluster. So I unscrewed the bezel retaining screws. I pulled at it and it came unclipped but the steering column cover is in the way for it to be taken all the way out. I look up on how to remove the steering column cover and it says I have to remove the instrument cluster bezel first. :x I am really frustrated. How do I remove the damn bezel? Thanks for all who reply, I have to go to school in a little so I guess I'll screw it back in and try this tomorrow once someone can give me some insight.

    Black '89 Ford Festiva L with 4 Speed Manual Transmission

  • #2
    Remove the cover over the steering column. It's 4-5 screws. Then undo the 5 screws holding in the bezel. You have to kind of "pop" the bezel out since it has little hooks or something holding the top part to the dash.

    Next you undo the 4 screws holding the cluster in. I find it easiest to unscrew the speedometer cable at the transmission so you have some slack and can pull the cluster forward.

    It's not hard, just takes a little practice.

    White '89L auto - Sold!
    Silver '06 Rav4, 95k!


    • #3
      ^^cover over the steering cloumn?
      never had to remove that before...just did it again last night when I put my white face tach in. Just the cluster bezel and then the screws holding it in...but definately undo the speedo cable from the tranny.
      89L Silver EFI auto
      91GL Green Auto DD
      There ain't no rest for the wicked
      until we close our eyes for good.
      I will sleep when I die!
      I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


      • #4
        Okay thanks guys. I did have to remove the column cover and then the bezel. I found the problem with the speedometer not working. The cable was unplugged. But all the other connectors seemed fine. I think my heat sensor has been disconnected or something on the motor. Anyone know where exactly located and what side of the engine compartment.

        Black '89 Ford Festiva L with 4 Speed Manual Transmission


        • #5
          The temp sender for the gauge is on the front of the motor by the thermostat housing. Its signal wire is Yel/Wht.
          Same color wire plugs into the back of the instrument cluster.
          Nothing says "triumph of enthusiasm over physics" like a Front Wheel Drive race car.
          - Dennis Grant

