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My friends crazy 3 screen gaming!

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  • My friends crazy 3 screen gaming!

    This is really over the top! This is a very short lived festiva owner and member named haste. 88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD

  • #2
    nice! I've used one of those, rarely see them in peoples houses though haha.

    What game is he playing in that video?
    1979 Civic - Work in Progress


    • #3
      I don't know. I'm not a gamer. 88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


      • #4
        Wow... I think what impressed me more than the screens even is the way his hand is in the exact same spot as on the wheel as the hand in the game, and how well it moves exactly with him as he goes around turns... instant feedback on the screen from what he is doing.
        No festiva for me ATM...


        • #5
          Originally posted by rakfint View Post
          nice! I've used one of those, rarely see them in peoples houses though haha.

          What game is he playing in that video?
          Dirt 3 from Codemasters. There are tons of games that work with Eyefinity. FPS and racing games seem to benefit the most from the extra screen real estate. It's much easier for me to tell where I am on track when I'm racing, plus I can see cars beside me instead of having to guess or try to see them in the mirrors.

          Originally posted by htchbck View Post
          Wow... I think what impressed me more than the screens even is the way his hand is in the exact same spot as on the wheel as the hand in the game, and how well it moves exactly with him as he goes around turns... instant feedback on the screen from what he is doing.
          Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to play a game where the screen doesn't react at the same time as the input device...that would drive me crazy. I just got this setup 2 days ago and color me impressed, I will never go back to one screen gaming again!

          Thanks for the comments!


          • #6
            Nice! Much jealousy here. I just have the Logitech Driving Force Wheel & pedal setup with 1 tv.. how lame haha
            1979 Civic - Work in Progress


            • #7
              Its pretty nice... I still prefer my Miata to any racing game though Unless you strap a screen to the roof its hard to recreate that feeling Though I do realize that most folks don't live 5 mins from some of the best mountain driving GA has to offer.
              No festiva for me ATM...


              • #8
                Originally posted by htchbck View Post
                Its pretty nice... I still prefer my Miata to any racing game though Unless you strap a screen to the roof its hard to recreate that feeling Though I do realize that most folks don't live 5 mins from some of the best mountain driving GA has to offer.
                Shuddup you, or I'll chase you down in my Festiva (if you'll help me put it together)!
                In love with a MadScientist!:thumbright:
                There's a fine line between breathtaking ingenuity and "That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DriverOne View Post
                  Shuddup you, or I'll chase you down in my Festiva (if you'll help me put it together)!
         88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DriverOne View Post
                    I'll chase you down in my Festiva
                    Um... no... these are MY mountains, me and the Miata OWN them.

                    Originally posted by DriverOne
                    (if you'll help me put it together)
                    Um... yes... just bring it down here lol its only about an hour or so drive.
                    No festiva for me ATM...


                    • #11

                      daddy likes and daddy wants some. eyefinity?


                      • #12
                        pretty nice, do you play any cod or halo/battlefield?
                        Last edited by zoom zoom; 09-25-2011, 11:29 AM.
                        2008 Kia Rio- new beater
                        1987 F-150- revived and CLEAN!!!
                        1987 Suzuki Dual Sport- fun beater bike
                        1993 Festiva- Fiona, DD
                        1997 Aspire- Peaspire, Refurb'd, sold
                        1997 Aspire- Babyspire, DD
                        1994 Aspire - Project Kiazord
                        1994 Aspire- Crustyspire, RIP

                        "If it moves, grease it, if it don't, paint it, and if it ain't broke don't fix it!"


                        • #13
                          You sir are the man. I just started getting into pc gaming recently after I picked up a 3d television. Download all the old video games and run a stereoscopic 3d program and I can play supersmash bros or any other games in 3d even playstation games. That's a legit setup all matching monitors, big money.
                          1988 Ford Festiva "Sonic" BPT g25mr MS2 standalone ecu, FOTY '11, Best Beater FMV, Fan Favorite FMVI

                          1989 Ford Mustang GT 5.slow

                          1996 Ford F-150


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by zoom zoom View Post
                            pretty nice, do you play any cod or halo/battlefield?
                            not too much anymore. i played Quake 1 and Quake 3 for an ungodly amount of hours years ago and basically got burned out on first person shooters. I pick 'em up and play them once in a while but not recently. I did try some Battlefield Bad Company 2 on my rig and the extra monitors make it pretty amazing to play...I may pick up BF3 when it comes out and try some MP action.

                            Originally posted by Flyin4stroke View Post
                            You sir are the man. I just started getting into pc gaming recently after I picked up a 3d television. Download all the old video games and run a stereoscopic 3d program and I can play supersmash bros or any other games in 3d even playstation games. That's a legit setup all matching monitors, big money.
                            yeah, def not cheap! the cockpit and 3 monitors came out to around $1500, not including the extra hardware to play the actual games, such as the computer and controllers.

                            considering this will last me for quite a few years(i hope), i can't complain too much about the price. im always looking for the next big thing to help immersiveness in games and multi-monitor is def the way to go right now, imo. current crop of graphics cards aren't quite powerful enough to run 3 monitors all in 3d at high resolution, maybe 3 more generations of video cards and they will be capable.

                            thanks for looking, guys.

