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To Drift or not to Drift

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  • To Drift or not to Drift

    A friend sent me this link and I thought I would share. I can not believe how stupid people can be.....sheeeesh!!!

    89L Silver EFI auto
    91GL Green Auto DD
    There ain't no rest for the wicked
    until we close our eyes for good.
    I will sleep when I die!
    I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!

  • #2
    I think drifting is dumb anyway.

    93 GL modyfied!!!


    • #3
      Its fine under controlled enviroments kinda like automotive break dancing, but these "underground" drift things are stupid. Lets get our massively overweight 4 door car to drift using stock suspension. I bet there is quite the learing curve.
      It's a good thing you don't read the stickies, you might of learned something.Poverty produces creativity


      • #4
        Suicide bomber training... :shock:


        • #5
          OK well i have to say that was just stupid... not that you posted it but the fact that they got the biggest car they could find on the smallest road when it was dark with tons of people and other cars around. yea that pretty smart if you ask me.. what were they trying to wreck on purpose? cause that's what it looked like to me. o and don't let me forget to mention lets have people int he car hanging out the windows when i try to drift my 4500lb car around a 2 lane road with 100s of people watching and 100s of cars along side the road. or better yet lets do the same thing but on a busy highway or in the middle of a down town area and hit a bus. RETARDS.

          sorry that's my opinion
          1993 B6T swapped Festiva- Reich raceing ECU, Cork Sport down pipe, MBC for now, Capri Tranny. sold

          1993 BBF 466cid mustang notch 7.7 ltre
          festiva turbo b18 project
          2001 BMW 325i
          1996 ford F-150 sold


          • #6
            I have seen a bunch of those video's from over there ,
            They have no care for life , I hope they keep doing it !!

            I would have liked to see the look on the guys face when he was hanging out of the window and the car slammed the pole , and came to a sudden stop as it was spinning :lol: :lol: :lol:
            The Trigger - Midwest Festiva Inc., Illinois Chapter
            Smart Passion white with H-D interior
            HD2500 Duramax Chevy
            Harley Davidson Ultra classic ..I am in love !!
            Pro Street S-10
            Diamond white Deville 27,000 mile cream puff
            Z28 LS1 power 500 +
            90 Festy L daily driver wants to be modded, OK
            It is being modded , a little at a time

            Join me on Facebook !! ;


            • #7
              Originally posted by xpnsyd
              Suicide bomber training... :shock:
              Suicide training.
              OX SMASH!!


              • #8
                ^^^Now thats just CRAZY !!!
                1988 Festiva LX Silver 5speed. 219,000 miles. My new daily driver.
                1988 Festiva L Plus Red 2brl 4speed. 504,477 miles and holding till I get the speed-o fixed.
                2003 Mustang GT 5speed


                • #9
                  Well that explains the 20cent hike in gas prices.


                  • #10
                    What a waste, I say give them a nuke asprine so we can just forget about it.


                    • #11
                      Drifting? That's pretty much like driving in the snow in my LTD.

