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Help me identify these fish....

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  • Help me identify these fish....

    I caught some tiny fish in the river yesterday. The main one in this vid looks like it might be a bass. I's about 3/4" long. It looks black from above. From the front and side it's much darker. Another fish has vertical stripes and darts quickly when not resting on his pectoral fins. I've seen these in creeks and rivers my whole life, but have never know the name. I searched about ten different ways on google and couldn't find a fish identifier that had juvenile fish. Anybody recognize these guys? 88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD

  • #2
    Search for "Fry" identifier


    • #3
      That was one of the searches I tried. thanks though. 88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


      • #4
        I think they are largemouth
        The Jester - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter


        • #5
          I haven't seen largemouth bass fry before, but from all my years of college I would say it is a possiblity judging by their jaw. However you said you found them in a creak correct? Or was it a river? I only know NY water way fish, do you have striped bass down your way?


          • #6
            In the Roanoke river we have Red eye or Rock Bass, trout, perch, blue gill, brim, chubs, horny heads, carp, and I'm sure more I'm not remembering. I found some small mouth bass pics that looked similar. I'm going to try to raise it. There are several that are really tiny, like 1/4". they look different than the suspected bass. They had yolks sac still hanging on their bellies. thanks Wes and Force.
   88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


            • #7
              By the way check out the drum fill that the little fish plays at about 18 seconds. It was a happy accident.
     88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


              • #8
                ^^lol...that was funny....his little fins air drumming...go fishy go!
                "FLTG4LIFE" @FINALLEVEL , "PBH"
                89L Silver EFI auto
                91GL Green Auto DD
                There ain't no rest for the wicked
                until we close our eyes for good.
                I will sleep when I die!
                I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in. I've got four wheels and a running board, I'm not a Chevy, I'M A FORD!


                • #9
                  money pit

                  No spitters were I work, you swallow it all. The Company feels if you already have it in your mouth why waste it.


                  • #10
                    ^ nah, I just want to see if I can raise a bass (or whatever he might be) from a fry.
           88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


                    • #11
                      A guppy or a mullet if possible cat fish. :cat: :fish: :fish:


                      • #12
                        The one at the very end is acting like a goby. Around here they are an invasive species. If you are caught with a live one/throw one back in, its a $500 fine

                        It's a good thing you don't read the stickies, you might of learned something.Poverty produces creativity


                        • #13
                          I did a search on gobies. I think you may be right. They are bottom dwellers and there are 2000 species according to wikepedia. Looks like you might have nailed it. I've been catching those little guys in creeks since I was a boy. I always wondered what they were called. thanks!
                 88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD

