Still looks pretty drivable. Durable car on its side.
"If you're not first you're last!" -Ricky Bobby
-91L "Oliver" Now B6DE swapped with an ATX Capri ECU on a MTX!!!!
The little Festy that could...and did!
(Gone on to a new life)
-90 Ford Bronco II Eddie Bauer
It's still driveable. I readjusted the front fender so I could open the driver's door. Now I jus need to find someone that can do body work. I checked one guy in town today and he wouldn't touch it since he couldn't get skins or panels for it. I can't see putting my spoiler and tail finisher on it unless I can get the body repaired. I don't know the first thing about body work and I sure don't have the time to learn right now. But maybe that will change.
Theres bound to be someone local that will do it. Itll end up being an older guy whos done bodywork all his life. He'll end up doing it cheaper and it'll be better quality than larger body shops around.
Search Master - Honorary Member of Midwest Festiva Inc., Gulf Coast Chapter
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
- Unknown
I don't like superstitious people. They're bad luck. - Serge A. Storms
If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style.
- Quentin Crisp
God, please save me from your followers!
- Bumper Sticker
Did you ruin any of the new goodies on the front of the car?? kinda looks like the dr side headlight was busted my i may be just seeing things. Glad you made it out alright. Fix that festiva quick!! We got meets to show up too!!
Best thing is you are ok.
This may sound strange, but my wife is awesome with body work (yes, THAT kind too, you pervs). She would be glad to give you any tips. PM anytime, and I will set up a time for her to call you...
Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
"Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.