Oh.... That is beautiful. That was always my favorite color, and with the hockey stick stripe is even better. I thought that was a '90 color after the stripe was dropped. Hmmm. Nice. Post your loction in your profile. What exterior mods other than wheels? It looks like it has clear front Euro corners. Did you buy this recently?
Anyway tell us more!
i imported it through a friend from korea who sold it to me for a song... you should have seen it when it got here. it was such a mess . but after some patient restoration it came out this way.. its all stock B3 EFI . i used 2k paint ,put on a top spoiler and the duck tail spoiler which i bought separately , a modest sound system, a modified grill using mesh wire Its goes with original power steering, power windows and 5 speed tranny. The best part is it only has 74k kilometers on it. As for the hockey stick stripe, i did it myself ( looks too thick doesnt it ? ) planning to upgrade my wheels to a size 14 or 15 with some modifications.