Went and paid for the one I found sitting behind a building today. I gave the guy half the money and we filled out a bill of sale. He's getting the title to me when I pick up the car and pay him the rest of the money. It isn't in the best of shape, especially the interior, where it looks like swamp thing or the toxic avenger may have used it as a summer home, but it's rust free and will clean up really nice. Hopefully it runs, like he assured me it does, but I couldn't test it because he lost the keys for it, and it doesn't have a battery. The main thing is the windshield, which you can't really see in the pics, but it's badly cracked. I already have a driver's side window for it. Just gotta track down a windshield and probably a new lock set. If anyone can help me out with those let me know. So what do you guys think?
