Well, for those of you you who don't know, I purchased roll4me's 1990 Sport. The car has been converted to a modified Lx, with tons of goodies. Anyways, he is in California and I am in Iowa. Hate to leave the arctic weather, 20 below zero weather for the 70's of Cali, but I had to do it. Flew in Monday January 12 and got back Saturday about 12:30 am. I hit probably 40 or 50 junkyards on the way back and found one white spoiler for $35. Other than that, just a few things like headlights and a power mirror. I took alot of photos on the return trip. Rolla, Dionel, and his family were the best and many thanks for their hospitality and caring calls on the return back. I tried to take photos in every state. Forgot to take any in Cali, and not many in Nebraska. If you want to know what Nebraska looks like, look at the top of your kitchen table...lol! I'll try to label what each pic is if memory allows, not one of my stronger points.
The car is a '90 Sport converted to a modified Lx. Has an Lx hatch with wiper, defrost, and tail finisher. Interior had the Lx front seats wrapped in grey leather and the rear seat has the Lx head rests mounted and wrapped in the same leather as the front. Plastic panels in the rear are from an '88 or '89 and are virtually mint!! The cockpit had the 110 mph gauge cluster, cupholder, Mazda 5 speed gearshift knob, I think that is what it is, Mazda steering wheel on tilt, and Protege power mirrors. Up front we have the 1.6. Suspension is Aspire w/ FMS lowered springs and KYBs all around. Miata wheels, with new rubber and KIA Shout ground effects (is that what they are called?) Then the newly acquired white spoiler will be added!
Enjoy the photo presentation!
Dionel showing up at the airport to pick me up

Dionel with his son Manuel(hope I have his name right...great kid!!)

Mr. and Mrs. Rolla

Rolla getting a pic with the supermodel! Next thing you know he'll want an autographed copy!

A Festiva on HWY 101. Thought this was the start of Festiva heaven. Boy was I wrong. This was the ONLY Festiva I saw on the road on the whole trip.

Outside the motel I stayed at in Manteca.

A GL in a parking lot somewhere south of Sacramento.

Cali pics.

My room and pics from my room in Reno, Nevada. Cool place!

Saw this car again in a parking lot east of Reno. Met the owner, Clark. He said it was an '89 and I know it was an L-Plus. Not sure it was an '89, but I know he was a little long winded when he said he got 60 mpg in the mountains with a 4 speed.

Nevada pics and car pics that I snapped while traveling from one jy to the next.

Wish I would have snapped this photo a half a second quicker. This is a daycare outside of Carson City, NV. Just to the right of view was a sign pointing to the Bunny Ranch. Only in Nevada!

Photos between Nevada and Utah. Not the Bonneville Salt Flats, but definately salt flats.

These were phots taken going into a cloud, in a cloud, and coming out of the clouds.

This was really cool. It was like a high plains desert. Nothing but sagebrush. Thing is, it was up in the clouds and all the sagebrush was tipped with ice. Photos don't do it justice but I tried to play photographer and capture the Festiva moment.

These are photos of Salt Lake City, outside my hotel, and while leaving the hotel.

A Festiva I spotted in SLC. Left a note to visit the forum and tell them the "supermodel" left a note on his car. Thought that'd be a laugh if he does it!

The car is a '90 Sport converted to a modified Lx. Has an Lx hatch with wiper, defrost, and tail finisher. Interior had the Lx front seats wrapped in grey leather and the rear seat has the Lx head rests mounted and wrapped in the same leather as the front. Plastic panels in the rear are from an '88 or '89 and are virtually mint!! The cockpit had the 110 mph gauge cluster, cupholder, Mazda 5 speed gearshift knob, I think that is what it is, Mazda steering wheel on tilt, and Protege power mirrors. Up front we have the 1.6. Suspension is Aspire w/ FMS lowered springs and KYBs all around. Miata wheels, with new rubber and KIA Shout ground effects (is that what they are called?) Then the newly acquired white spoiler will be added!
Enjoy the photo presentation!
Dionel showing up at the airport to pick me up

Dionel with his son Manuel(hope I have his name right...great kid!!)

Mr. and Mrs. Rolla

Rolla getting a pic with the supermodel! Next thing you know he'll want an autographed copy!

A Festiva on HWY 101. Thought this was the start of Festiva heaven. Boy was I wrong. This was the ONLY Festiva I saw on the road on the whole trip.

Outside the motel I stayed at in Manteca.

A GL in a parking lot somewhere south of Sacramento.

Cali pics.

My room and pics from my room in Reno, Nevada. Cool place!

Saw this car again in a parking lot east of Reno. Met the owner, Clark. He said it was an '89 and I know it was an L-Plus. Not sure it was an '89, but I know he was a little long winded when he said he got 60 mpg in the mountains with a 4 speed.

Nevada pics and car pics that I snapped while traveling from one jy to the next.

Wish I would have snapped this photo a half a second quicker. This is a daycare outside of Carson City, NV. Just to the right of view was a sign pointing to the Bunny Ranch. Only in Nevada!

Photos between Nevada and Utah. Not the Bonneville Salt Flats, but definately salt flats.

These were phots taken going into a cloud, in a cloud, and coming out of the clouds.

This was really cool. It was like a high plains desert. Nothing but sagebrush. Thing is, it was up in the clouds and all the sagebrush was tipped with ice. Photos don't do it justice but I tried to play photographer and capture the Festiva moment.

These are photos of Salt Lake City, outside my hotel, and while leaving the hotel.

A Festiva I spotted in SLC. Left a note to visit the forum and tell them the "supermodel" left a note on his car. Thought that'd be a laugh if he does it!
