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My '93 Festiva

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  • My '93 Festiva

    Hey guys, i'm new to this forum and i thought i'd show you all what i drive before i jump into any topics!

    here it is!

  • #2
    Very Nice Festiva..welcome!


    • #3
      Nice car, are you going to think about any mods?
      Aspires and Sways all around, Miata B6 installed, KYB G2Rs just installed in front. Wish for coil overs someday.


      • #4
        thanks guys.. i don't know about mods.. i might slap a stereo back in when spring rolls around, i used to have a 12 inch kicker l5 in there.. and wow it was a bit too much for the little guy..
        i just want it to be a good little fuel efficient car for now that's why i bought it cuase my 78 mailbu is a little rough on the gas...
        but never know.. i've heard and seen alot of good things with engine swaps
        i'm having a problem with my heater right now.. where would i post my questions?


        • #5
          Wow, nice-looking ride! You from the Great White North? Lots of folks here are up there!
          1989 Red L- The Baron

          Link to Baron Pics:

          1990 White GL- Chuck (for now)


          • #6
            haha yup from saskatchewan



            • #7
              Your heater question can go in the Repair Help Forum.

              Welcome to the site.
              Simon -


              • #8
                ok thanks man, i posted.. haha anyone that knows alot about the heating system in these cars should check that out its cold out here..



                • #9
                  Very clean ride. Welcome to the site

                  I'm surprised how many clean festivas there are in sask! Over here you wont find one without extra holes
                  89SX funtop! Fully loaded!
                  RIP 90LX


                  • #10
                    Nice Festiva!
                    -93' L BP swap/e-series, coilovers, RIO front swap, redrilled festy drums, Miata 14" 7 spokes.
                    -88' Mazda 323 SE, work in progress..
                    -85' Nissan Sentra 5 spd.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by stefan View Post
                      Very clean ride. Welcome to the site

                      I'm surprised how many clean festivas there are in sask! Over here you wont find one without extra holes
                      haha thanks man, yeah there is a tonne of festivas around here.. most of the ones in my city are kinda beat up tho but there are some nice ones



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by stevea View Post
                        thanks guys.. i don't know about mods.. i might slap a stereo back in when spring rolls around, i used to have a 12 inch kicker l5 in there.. and wow it was a bit too much for the little guy..
                        i just want it to be a good little fuel efficient car for now that's why i bought it cuase my 78 mailbu is a little rough on the gas...
                        but never know.. i've heard and seen alot of good things with engine swaps
                        i'm having a problem with my heater right now.. where would i post my questions?
                        What about 2 15" L5's :lol:

                        Welcome to the site!!!

                        1988 323 Station Wagon - KLG4 swapped
                        1988 323 GT - B6T Powered
                        2008 Ford Escape - Rollover Survivor

                        1990 Festiva - First Ever Completed KLZE swap (SOLD)

                        If no one from the future stops you from doing it, how bad of a decision can it really be?


                        • #13
                          hahahaha that would destroy my car faster.. haha the one l5 was rattling things loose.. i liked the old bouncing cellphone off roof trick tho

                          hell screw l5s.. l7s or solo x's for the festiva!
                          (ps your picture doesn't show up its just an X)



                          • #14
                            Welcome to the Festiva Playground. I love the graphics on your car.

                            01 Chevy Impala 9C1 police package "Unnamed yet". 154K
                            88 LX 5 speed "Silver PHOENIX" Currently being rebuilt inside and out. 400K
                            88 L 4 speed "Cherry Bomb" saved from the car crusher just in time. 186K
                            06 Ford F-150 Pickup Replacement for my 2001 Impala Cop Car that lunched its engine.


                            • #15
                              haha thanks!

                              and damkid your pic showed up now.. and dam... you must be kidding.. look at that crazy EDITED - Admin!

                              that must POUND!


