I figured that now i have nothing getting in the way of me putting some pics up on here, now that i have a camera.
First, a little back story....
I bought red from a local kid for somewhere in the $450 range in August of last year. Red was sold on me twice. Once by the kid, and again by his dad before they decided to sell it to me. He had traded a dirtbike for it from someone else. It had new shocks, and not much else. I had the intention of using it to commute to college, but ran ouf of funds and red sat for the winter.
Over spring break, i had finally some money, and got to work on red... I did the basics, water pump, timing belt, V belt, CV axles, as well as some custom exhaust work.. I also wrecked the breaks, and had to redo 90% of the break lines. I found some 13in rims off of a Mitsu Mirage that fit, and put new rubber on him. He was still pretty tough, missing half the interior panels, lacking a mirror, and the hatch latch was broken, along with a rotted out hatch.
I got ahold of a guy in the cities, who had some parts for red, so after securing them, red got a new hatch, spare grille, extra backseat, full interior panels, and rear seatbelts.
Put my radio in it, wiring was a total hack job, pigtails were gone, so took me some time with a continuity tester and a test light to get the radio installed.
Was sitting at O'reillys getting my CV axles and decided to put a tach in as well
Some future stuff i need to address is new seats, a cargo cover, gotta get it registered, and possibly mod a hood and get some paint.

First, a little back story....
I bought red from a local kid for somewhere in the $450 range in August of last year. Red was sold on me twice. Once by the kid, and again by his dad before they decided to sell it to me. He had traded a dirtbike for it from someone else. It had new shocks, and not much else. I had the intention of using it to commute to college, but ran ouf of funds and red sat for the winter.
Over spring break, i had finally some money, and got to work on red... I did the basics, water pump, timing belt, V belt, CV axles, as well as some custom exhaust work.. I also wrecked the breaks, and had to redo 90% of the break lines. I found some 13in rims off of a Mitsu Mirage that fit, and put new rubber on him. He was still pretty tough, missing half the interior panels, lacking a mirror, and the hatch latch was broken, along with a rotted out hatch.
I got ahold of a guy in the cities, who had some parts for red, so after securing them, red got a new hatch, spare grille, extra backseat, full interior panels, and rear seatbelts.
Put my radio in it, wiring was a total hack job, pigtails were gone, so took me some time with a continuity tester and a test light to get the radio installed.
Was sitting at O'reillys getting my CV axles and decided to put a tach in as well
Some future stuff i need to address is new seats, a cargo cover, gotta get it registered, and possibly mod a hood and get some paint.
