Holy crap, and Fred thought his tranny had a lean. :lol:
That's exactly what we did to get Batstivas replacement gas tank a few years ago. Two of us got on one side of the car, and flipped it. So much easier than crawling around in the mud.
Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.
1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
1989 L - 247K miles Slick
1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:
Holy crap, and Fred thought his tranny had a lean. :lol:
-93' L BP swap/e-series, coilovers, RIO front swap, redrilled festy drums, Miata 14" 7 spokes.
-88' Mazda 323 SE, work in progress..
-85' Nissan Sentra 5 spd.
Seemed like a pretty straight forward comment to me. What parts arent you getting? Are you only getting the easy stuff? Are you getting things like the rear spindles,the wiper motor and arms which notoriously break? How bout door handles, locksets including ignition switch? How bout thats a carb engine, carborater, air cleaner assembly? If you can roll the shell onto a trailer, then youve forgotten a few items. I mean you obviously got these for more than the "Gee Look at what Ive got" factor. Otherwise you wouldnt have had your name changed to TONYCASH, would you? I mean that may be your name I dont know, but its gotta be what youre after as well. Because isnt that what its about after all.
It means exactly what it means... Looks like it had a decent dr side fender on it and you roll the car over on a 4x4 piece of wood. There was a person looking to buy a fender in the F/S WTB section.....
I know you have a million of them lying around but still, What's the point of lying a vehicle on its side thus damaging the body panel more than they are already. Why don't you finish it off and roll it all the way over. Letting the oil fill in the cylinders. Then you can hook a battery up to it and crank it over, bending valves, break pistons and whatnot.
It's your money and your cars but all these pictures are disturbing to members that actually try and salvage the festivas from BEING crsuhed.
Seemed like a pretty straight forward comment to me. What parts arent you getting? Are you only getting the easy stuff? Are you getting things like the rear spindles,the wiper motor and arms which notoriously break? How bout door handles, locksets including ignition switch? How bout thats a carb engine, carborater, air cleaner assembly? If you can roll the shell onto a trailer, then youve forgotten a few items.
No , it WAS smart a..ed.
To answer Your question,though,there are no door handles.Both are broken off.Cars engine didn't run and has been sitting out for years and even the carb is rusted up.We did take a few things off of the engine,though.
Car is in the air for tomorrow so we can take all hubs and spindles off.We are getting ignition switch,but,key doesn't work on any other lock.
Would have taken seats,but,rips.Did take plastics off sides and reclining hardware.We will take all windows and regulators that are good.We just didn't finish up today.
On the other cars we will cut out rear quarters if they are good.I need some and I have a couple of requests from others.
Just alot of stuff we notice still on there, that may not seem like itd be worth the time to take off because it may not be a high dollar item. But those little $2 - $5 items add up in a hurry. Lotta stuff still on that dash for one and in the interior in general. Lotta people want to convert their cars to manual seatbelts. Well theres ALOT more to it than just putting manual seatbelts in, IF you want it to look right.
Why'd you remove the pic of that dude/you sitting all sideways in it? That was my favorite!
Oh, and why was my other comment deleted? What did I do wrong?
Why'd you remove the pic of that dude/you sitting all sideways in it? That was my favorite!
Oh, and why was my other comment deleted? What did I do wrong?
I guess it was the dirty word in the link I provided?
Just alot of stuff we notice still on there, that may not seem like itd be worth the time to take off because it may not be a high dollar item. But those little $2 - $5 items add up in a hurry. Lotta stuff still on that dash for one and in the interior in general. Lotta people want to convert their cars to manual seatbelts. Well theres ALOT more to it than just putting manual seatbelts in, IF you want it to look right.
you mean stuff like this ??? I guess next time I will not take pics before it is all done.