Rained all the way there Friday,but,we got on so many rides.Millenium Force felt like bullets at 93mph,but,it was worth it!!!..

Some friends who went..

arriving over causeway...

Top Thrill Dragster this morning..line was soooooo short.

Misc. Halloween stuff..

Some of the museum.Nice antique stuff and awesome train display..

Back when they hand-carved the horses..

The people dryer...it really works! Also,if you are cold it warms you up 4-5 at a time..

I love the awesome authentic log cabins and such.

..and if you like old schoold arcade games...Cedar Point has so many and a ton of vintage pinball machines..

And lastly..my to go wings(which are awesome) from The Thirsty Pony in Sandusky...It was wet and I slid into the hotel room.Needless to say,we threw them away.Shame.

Some friends who went..

arriving over causeway...

Top Thrill Dragster this morning..line was soooooo short.

Misc. Halloween stuff..

Some of the museum.Nice antique stuff and awesome train display..

Back when they hand-carved the horses..

The people dryer...it really works! Also,if you are cold it warms you up 4-5 at a time..

I love the awesome authentic log cabins and such.

..and if you like old schoold arcade games...Cedar Point has so many and a ton of vintage pinball machines..

And lastly..my to go wings(which are awesome) from The Thirsty Pony in Sandusky...It was wet and I slid into the hotel room.Needless to say,we threw them away.Shame.
