Post pics of your gardens!! This is our 13' x 15' garden in the back yard. 14 tomato plants, 3 red bell pepper plants, and 4 cucumber plants! We also have a 5' x 6' plot with a bunch of grass.. oops, and some spinach! YUM!
Nice!! Looks much better than my Farmville anyway. Haven't planted anything on there in weeks. :roll:
My garden went in kind of late this year. We just had what I hope is our last frost here May 21st. :shock: I'd post some pics, but I think we all know what bare dirt looks like.:p
Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.
1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
1989 L - 247K miles Slick
1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:
Ill take some pics to post sunday evening. My father, daughter and I were busy in the spring planting and now we have cukes coming out of our ears! About to have ton of tomatoes coming off too!
Looks like Paul got the jump on tomoatoes. I don't think you will have to worry about rabbits either with that perimeter security fence you have!
I've had some varmints get in. We have a ton of groundhogs in the neighborhood. I caught one and an opposum. I gave up and started spreading fox urine. Haven't seen any since. Man I have a ton of green tomatoes. 14 plants are thick and tall. Good times!
I picked 30 lbs of tomatoes yesterday. I took 20 lbs to church last night and all but about 8 tomatoes got snatched up! 8) I have 3 times that many still on the vine in various stages of green - orange.
Well my garden is pretty small... But here is my first harvest!!!! There is a certain satisfaction when you bite in to some produce that you actually grew yourself!