Howdy, how we doing here? Good to know this place is still going & keeping these cars alive.
I used to own this one years back. Wonder where it is, maybe the owner is on here?? Ah memories, was the first car I ever had. Wouldn't mind having another one again.
I've since owned an MX-5 (Miata) done up as Mario Kart
& now have a rare JDM Mazda Familia GTR
Not going to be doing anything crazy to it, it has quite sufficient go as it is. Even when stock. I think I've gone through the phase of spending bucket loads of money on car mods. Will more mainly be comfort & convenience mods from now on.
I used to own this one years back. Wonder where it is, maybe the owner is on here?? Ah memories, was the first car I ever had. Wouldn't mind having another one again.
I've since owned an MX-5 (Miata) done up as Mario Kart
& now have a rare JDM Mazda Familia GTR
Not going to be doing anything crazy to it, it has quite sufficient go as it is. Even when stock. I think I've gone through the phase of spending bucket loads of money on car mods. Will more mainly be comfort & convenience mods from now on.