Amanda (Teresa's daughter) dropped off her car at my house for some work this past week. Since the last time I had seen it they'd had the windows tinted, and it looked good when I got home from work and saw it in the driveway. Anyway, they had some parts pulled at a junkyard and I went down to pick them up: Front and back bumpers, antenna, dome light, new knob for back seat. Installed all of those (after painting the new bumpers black to match the windows) and it looks even better now, but bumpers really set it off. Still need black the rubber door trim and the wiper arms, but I think she and her boyfriend will be doing that.

The other fun thing I did was build an A/C system... don't have pics of the actual build since I don't have a digital camera and I wasn't about to bring my phone out there in the carport while I was working especially since it rained most of the week. They got most of the A/C parts I needed from Sandm: grooved and ribbed tensioners, evap box, condensor, wiring harness (cut but all there, only took about half an hour to patch up), lines and a grooved pulley compressor. He had already let us know that he wasn't sure what kind of shape the compressor was in but I wasn't too concerned since I expected to use a ribbed one anyway because the car is a '93. Well, the comp was all but locked up, but one trip to the salvage yard and I had a ribbed one from an '88 323 along with the bracket. Everything bolted up till I got to the lines, since the exit the side of the 323 compressor. No problem, went back down and yanked the lines of the 323 also, and managed to get everything stuffed in and hooked up... all in all not too bad of a swap, though if I ever do one again I'm going to try to get a compressor and lines from a B8/BP since those are REALLY easy to find in the junkyard. BTW I used a crank pulley from a '92 SOHC Protege with the water pump and A/C pulley all as one unit. Works fine

The other fun thing I did was build an A/C system... don't have pics of the actual build since I don't have a digital camera and I wasn't about to bring my phone out there in the carport while I was working especially since it rained most of the week. They got most of the A/C parts I needed from Sandm: grooved and ribbed tensioners, evap box, condensor, wiring harness (cut but all there, only took about half an hour to patch up), lines and a grooved pulley compressor. He had already let us know that he wasn't sure what kind of shape the compressor was in but I wasn't too concerned since I expected to use a ribbed one anyway because the car is a '93. Well, the comp was all but locked up, but one trip to the salvage yard and I had a ribbed one from an '88 323 along with the bracket. Everything bolted up till I got to the lines, since the exit the side of the 323 compressor. No problem, went back down and yanked the lines of the 323 also, and managed to get everything stuffed in and hooked up... all in all not too bad of a swap, though if I ever do one again I'm going to try to get a compressor and lines from a B8/BP since those are REALLY easy to find in the junkyard. BTW I used a crank pulley from a '92 SOHC Protege with the water pump and A/C pulley all as one unit. Works fine
