Today I was at a stoplight when a Purple Festiva drove by. So I had to wait unpatiently at the stoplight, then was able to follow him and he turned into Walmart so I followed him in. He whipped into a spot and then went into the store. I saw an older couple get out of it, and when I drove past them they were almost at the entrance to the store and it looked like he was mentioning to his wife about my Festiva. So I parked next to his Festiva, got a picture, and left a note mentioning the site.
I thought I would post a pic of it because I have never seen a Purple Festiva and I thought it didn't look too bad in that color. It was obviously not the factory color, because I could see the inside of the doors just above the door panels was still Red.
I thought I would post a pic of it because I have never seen a Purple Festiva and I thought it didn't look too bad in that color. It was obviously not the factory color, because I could see the inside of the doors just above the door panels was still Red.
