I dug up "Spudzilla" today, it weighs in at over 20 ozs. I think it had just eaten something.
I think it ate the rest of your potatoes.
It's been hotter here longer. We've got great looking tomato plants, just no tomatoes. Got a few cucumbers, a single cantalope. Never got many strawberries, had a few peas. Don't think the carrots made it, I know the potatoes didn't.
Our garden is much smaller, 5x12 raised bed and two whiskey barrels. One barrel had potatoes, the other has the blackberry bush. not many blackberries either.
1963 Fairlane - future NSS drag car
1965 Mustang Coupe - A-code car, restoring for/with my son
1973 F100 longbed - only 22k original miles, 360/auto, disk, PS/PB dealer in dash A/C
1996 Sonoma X-cab - son's DD
2002 Grand Prix - daughter's DD
2003 Sport Trac - 180k, 130k on replaced motor with new timing chains - F/S soon.
2005 Accord - wife's DD
2008 Mountaineer - step daughter's DD
2015 F150 SCrew - DD
Found this giant pepper today among the others. Picked two and and half gallons of green beans too before I succumed to the heat and ducked into the house.
sigpic The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
Looking good guys. It was so freaking wet here this spring, that I couldn't even till my garden plot until almost June. So far, it looks like all I'm accomplishing is keeping the deer fed.
But, I figure that will pay off in November. :mrgreen:
Dumb thieves go to prison, smart ones go to work for the Government.
1988 L - 232K miles Batstiva
1989 L - 247K miles Slick
1990 L - 281K miles Orphan Annie
Let the hoarding begin!! :mrgreen:
I dug up five gallons (32 lbs. ) of taters today. It was an area approx. four foot by six foot. Dug up five gallons of onions and another two and a half gallons of green beans yesterday. All 100% organic. Just about got the freezer topped off.
sigpic The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter