Doc Frankenstiva, aka Kartracer46 (Jay), and myself went to check out a Festiva that was on the local Craigslist today...
The ad stated that the car had caught on fire and the lady didn't speak much English and didn't know what happened exactly. More or less that she came outside to find the fire department spraying water on her car.
So I wasn't sure of what to expect. But once we arrived, we realized there was a gem setting in her drive way! So I bought the car with Jay's approval!
Turned out the catyllitic converter was clogged and it apparently overheated. It go so hot, it melted the carpet directly above it. The fire department was called and they cut the electrical wires to the battery and some plugs... and sprayed some water in the floorboard to stop the melting.
I was helping Smedley take some items to storage and when we came back, Kartracer had it fixed!
So here it is... ANOTHER saved by Doc Frankenstiva!!! OH, and that silver Festiva is "Lucky"; a FOTM winner and one heck of a ride!!
1988 Carb'd 134K ORIG 4spd, no AC... BUT in AWESOME condition!! Expect to see it at Festiva Madness 5!

The ad stated that the car had caught on fire and the lady didn't speak much English and didn't know what happened exactly. More or less that she came outside to find the fire department spraying water on her car.
So I wasn't sure of what to expect. But once we arrived, we realized there was a gem setting in her drive way! So I bought the car with Jay's approval!
Turned out the catyllitic converter was clogged and it apparently overheated. It go so hot, it melted the carpet directly above it. The fire department was called and they cut the electrical wires to the battery and some plugs... and sprayed some water in the floorboard to stop the melting.
I was helping Smedley take some items to storage and when we came back, Kartracer had it fixed!
So here it is... ANOTHER saved by Doc Frankenstiva!!! OH, and that silver Festiva is "Lucky"; a FOTM winner and one heck of a ride!!
1988 Carb'd 134K ORIG 4spd, no AC... BUT in AWESOME condition!! Expect to see it at Festiva Madness 5!
