Originally posted by Safety Guy
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Copperstate Fly In
Driving for me is neither a right nor a privilege. Driving is my passion, as it was for the people who invented the automobile, the people who paved the first roads and the people who continue to improve the automobile. Please respect this passion.
That last one reminds me of a plane I idolized in my childhood; the plane from Disney's Tail Spin!
In love with a MadScientist!:thumbright:
There's a fine line between breathtaking ingenuity and "That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen!"
Speaking of twin boom aircraft, I used to see these flying over Columbus back when I was little:
Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco Observation / Light Attack / Close-Air Support (CAS) Aircraft including pictures.
Some were in Desert Storm, though I didn't see any there. I did see the Warthogs though.
OV-10s are cool.
Others include the C-119 Flying Boxcar, the De Havilland Vampire (Britain's first jet fighter), the P-38 of course, and the lesser known F-82 Twin Mustang.
According to Wiki, the F-82 was the first plane to shoot down an enemy fighter in the Korean War: it bagged a Yak-11!
D1, I looked for "real life" twin boom seaplanes, but didn't find any.
Karl'93GL "Prettystiva" ticking B3 and 5 speed, backup DD; full swaps in spring!
'91L "AquaMutt" my '91L; B6 swap/5 speed & Aspire brakes, DD/work car
'92L "Twinstiva" 5sp, salvage titled, waiting for repairs...
'93GL "Luxstiva," '94 B6 engine & ATX; needs overhauled
'89L "Muttstiva," now a storage bin, future trailer project