Mike Holmgren
Thief Rvr Fls, MN
1989 Festiva L, carb. 4 spd.
"If at first you don't succeede, get a bigger hammer. If it breaks it needed to be replaced anyway."
I was thinkin and thinkin all week after seeing everyone has a name for there car and everyone was raggin about that weaner pipe so blam there it is ( the bone ) lmao :thumbup:
Honestly almost shot pepsi out of my nose all over my desk here at work after reading that. haha!
Hey it works, and it's deffinetly one of a kind!
Mike Holmgren
Thief Rvr Fls, MN
1989 Festiva L, carb. 4 spd.
"If at first you don't succeede, get a bigger hammer. If it breaks it needed to be replaced anyway."
Hahaaa glad i can make people laugh and i bet that pepsi burned ur nose bro lol and thanks for the compliment on my car , id probably leave the boner on it if it didnt seriously shoot exsaust jizzz all over my white bumper yea..... I went there with it ,, i said jizz i had to lmao POWER TO THE BONE LMAO