Thought I'd make a thread displaying some of the interesting Festivas I've found on Google Images. I know I've seen some of these on the forum. Gotta be members. Some I know are kind of famous ones too!
Sorry, would love to embed the photos, but they are all too large to be posted like that one here
Crazy Festiva Truck with Lambo Doors
The cardomain link for this car:
Guessing this one has something to do with a huge audio system
More photos at this link:
Some sort of crazy ice racer. Interesting motorcycle exhaust
Cool look mostly stock one...if you check out the cardomain site though he did a lot too it
Cardomain link:
This on is a beauty. White with black wheels and round headlights
Something more than a B3 must be powering this guy
A 24hr of LeMons one!
Another LeMons beast
Very well done Festiva. I think someone said it used to be owned by the founder of
Then there is this guy. Baller!
The one and only Pimptiva
Something cool about this multi-colored one
And about a Harley Vtwin powered Festiva?
A link with some more pics.
Sorry, would love to embed the photos, but they are all too large to be posted like that one here
Crazy Festiva Truck with Lambo Doors
The cardomain link for this car:
Guessing this one has something to do with a huge audio system
More photos at this link:
Some sort of crazy ice racer. Interesting motorcycle exhaust
Cool look mostly stock one...if you check out the cardomain site though he did a lot too it
Cardomain link:
This on is a beauty. White with black wheels and round headlights
Something more than a B3 must be powering this guy
A 24hr of LeMons one!
Another LeMons beast
Very well done Festiva. I think someone said it used to be owned by the founder of
Then there is this guy. Baller!
The one and only Pimptiva
Something cool about this multi-colored one
And about a Harley Vtwin powered Festiva?
A link with some more pics.