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Ghost Rider!!

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  • #16
    Our forests are regulated and controlled not by the professional forest ranger that spent years in college learning about forests but by voters in the cities because they far outnumber the people living, working and recreating in the forests. Lawyers representing "green" groups who's members are also in the cities also block management practices meant to preserve the genetic strengths of our forests.

    300 years ago fires burned far more lands than today. The fires were far more often and were beneficial as opposed to the horrible fires we have today. Beneficial fires kill species of trees and plants trying to invade an area. The native timber doesn't normally burn in a old type of fire. Brush is burned and regrows, grazing animals use brush typically under 3 years old for feed, brush older than that isn't desirable to grazing animals.

    In the picture above can you identify the non native trees displacing what should be there? It all looks so pretty..but the genetics of our forests are being destroyed by people who far outnumber those who do know. Without fire the only reasonable tool left is controlled logging.

    What happens instead is we vote in another wilderness, or another monument, both the worst possible thing to happen to public lands as out here it is guaranteed that millions of years of genetics will be destroyed. Invasive species will happen, choking out native species. Grazing animals turn nocturnal so they can raid farm lands at night. The native area can no longer support the number of grazing animals it once did, so predators are reduced as well. Then we reintroduce the wolf and make a few more wildernesses!! This madness has to stop! Nature is sending messages with the kind of fires we are seeing so we make more wildernesses and hire more wildfire fire fighters~~grow more fuels instead of food!!
    Reflex paint by Langeman...Lifted...Tow Rig


    • #17
      You've probably heard of the "Hatfield McCoy" trails? That's my back door. Used to be really cool, before the idiots took over, named them something that would sell, and turned old sleepy homes into lodges for the weekend wackos to rent. It's "progress" so I'm told. Some people are raking it in because of it, but I don't know which way is worse. I guess balance is too much to ask for, so I'd prefer our old non-clogged up ancient roads, and the convoys of 40mph idiots on the public roads to go back where they came from.

      But I guess one wants it whatever way one doesn't have it. Human nature.
      Any difference that makes no difference is no difference.

      Old Blue- New Tricks
      91 Festiva FSM PDF - Dropbox

