Remember back about a week, I was whining about having three 92 Sports 1 I could drive and the other two had to be parted due to chassis rot, well no more Sport to drive, the wife and I are fine but the Sport as you can see is toast "another parts car" we were driving here in town two blocks from home when a young girl blasted through a stop sign, hit our car in the left front, the wife and I saw her at the same time, I hit the brakes just enough to keep from being hit broad side on my side, she then bounced off and side swiped another car then landed up on the parking. She did get several tickets. The other driver and the girl who hit us are fine, the girl only had her license for several weeks, the wreck was tough on her, the wife and I consoled her the best we could till her family arrived. Well time for some pizza and maybe a Rum and Coke.
