Oh yeah, sorry, I wasn't sure what you meant. I was going to make my photobucket private but I just deleted the incriminating evidence . I removed a pic on this thread for discretionary purposes. Thats what horseplay was talking about.
sigpic The Don - Midwest Festiva Inc., Missouri Chapter
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a question about attaching the chome emblem to my car. I have a few of these with the 2 pins on the back side still intact. I know i need to drill 2 holes but what is the best adhesive to put one on. I'm thinking that black sticking stuff that is used on the molding thats on the side of the car would be the best. Can this adhesive be bought at most auto parts store? I've only been to Pep Boys and could only find a tube of 3M Plastic Emblem and Trim Adhesive. Not sure how good this stuff is but it was I only thing I've found. Anyone ever used this stuff? I've never had any luck with using adhesives in the past so any suggestings would be great.
The plastic adhesive works pretty good but it needs to have the factory 2 sided tape on it to work properly. Look around and find a roll of the 3M 2 sided adhesive tape. it's works great for emblems and such. AutoZone should have it in stock.
If a hammer doesn't fix it you have an electrical problem
If you get the 3M 2 sided adhesive tape you won't need the glue. The 3M tape is wicked sticky already
If your emblems already have some of the adhesive/foam tape left from a previous installation then you can just use the glue. Run a couple of strips of tape perpendicularly over the emblem to hold it down after you have applied to the car and let it cure for ~12 hours.
Many times if there is some of the original adhesive tape left on an emblem I just remove it and replace it with new 3M tape to make it "factory fresh"