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    So I'm at the crappy tire, sorta looking for the ever elusive solution to the severe lack of aestetically pleasing cup holders, when I spot some decent looking ones that clip onto the air vents.

    Seing as they are affordable ($10ea) I chance it, and get a couple.

    Installation does not go well, and I decide to grab the instrument bezel, and continue in-doors while sipping on some tea.

    I eventually removed both the articulated vent grills and used the clipping mechanisms (they were intended to hook onto the grills) to hook onto the actual bezel.

    Anyways, to make a long story short, they look frikkin awsome! Seeing as I'm battling a moisture problem & I never use anything other than defrost as a setting, I don't really mind that my instruments are pretty hidden.

    Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.

  • #2
    I really need to learn how to embed images in a post. :shock:
    Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


    • #3
      Yes you do. Even I can do that :wink: Go to photobucket and set up a free account. Upload an image. Click the bottom link and it will copy the address. Paste that link into the reply window under your comment. Let's see that cupholder! 88 festiva LX w/BP G25 MR 5 speed waiting for wiring- 93 Festiva GL auto w/ air, waiting for B6t/G4A-HL - 98 Nissan Quest - 02 Mazda protege 5 wife's DD


      • #4
        Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


        • #5
          Ok, well it's at least a hyperlink this time around.

          Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


          • #6

            This is a little better its now a linkable url.
            It's a good thing you don't read the stickies, you might of learned something.Poverty produces creativity


            • #7
              I see pictures being "embeded" into messages all the time. I even remember reading a sticky from DJ saying something along the lines of: "640X480 is the max allowed rez".

              Notice that the resolution of all the "named" pics (read: cupholders!.jpg, hooks.jpeg, and mounted.jpg) have all been resized to 640 by 480 in an effort to appear all l33t h4x0rz and embed pics directly into my posts.

              This is something I still have yet to master apparently.

              That, and a custom avatar.

              Oh... And a custom signature.

              Wow. I suck.
              Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


              • #8
                Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


                • #9
                  :shock: :cry: :x
                  Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


                  • #10
                    So, um... besides my general lack of johnny-l33t-skillz, did anyone check the yahoo photo album?
                    Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


                    • #11
                      Yea I saw 1 picture, Do you have a picture of it installed in the car? How well does it work?

                      93 GL modyfied!!!


                      • #12
                        I like how its attatched to the air vents ... that should help keep drinks cool in the summertime too, right?
                        No festiva for me ATM...


                        • #13
                          Here's a tinyurl to my yahoo photo album:

                          They work awsome. Tried 2 grande starbucks without any issues. Frekkin AWSOME!

                          htchbck, they're actually clipped onto the bezel. I removed the articulated vent grill assembly. I did try them attached to the grill, but they stuck out way too far. Look at the album, I took some close-up of the "in-progress" mod.
                          Mon arme a moi, c'est un stylo.


                          • #14
                            cup holders

                            nice black festiva 8) 8) and cup holders
                            1992 black GL
                            1991 white GL
                            1991 blue L parts car
                            1992 blue L from Japan R.H.D.
                            1948 ford conv. hot rod


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kofkof_00
                              htchbck, they're actually clipped onto the bezel
                              but they are still right in front of the air vents though, right? so the air should blow over them, right?
                              No festiva for me ATM...

