So I'm at the crappy tire, sorta looking for the ever elusive solution to the severe lack of aestetically pleasing cup holders, when I spot some decent looking ones that clip onto the air vents.
Seing as they are affordable ($10ea) I chance it, and get a couple.
Installation does not go well, and I decide to grab the instrument bezel, and continue in-doors while sipping on some tea.
I eventually removed both the articulated vent grills and used the clipping mechanisms (they were intended to hook onto the grills) to hook onto the actual bezel.
Anyways, to make a long story short, they look frikkin awsome! Seeing as I'm battling a moisture problem & I never use anything other than defrost as a setting, I don't really mind that my instruments are pretty hidden.
Seing as they are affordable ($10ea) I chance it, and get a couple.
Installation does not go well, and I decide to grab the instrument bezel, and continue in-doors while sipping on some tea.
I eventually removed both the articulated vent grills and used the clipping mechanisms (they were intended to hook onto the grills) to hook onto the actual bezel.
Anyways, to make a long story short, they look frikkin awsome! Seeing as I'm battling a moisture problem & I never use anything other than defrost as a setting, I don't really mind that my instruments are pretty hidden.