Title May sound familiar to a few b/c of previous post in photo gallery. Here is the Run down. Bought the white 92 L & Green GL (parts car) for $400. Then Went to work on the 92 L to see if it would run (the previous owner mentioned they thought it was a bad clutch) After digging around I found out it was'nt getting any fuel & the clutch pedal was really easy to push in but over time seemed to get stiffer but that is errelavant now (see post below) Took out the Fuel pump in L & was Completely ruted up so pulled pump from the GL & Vroom. The motor clanged & banged so much It was obvious it was toast. Swapped in the motor out of the GL & it was a Pile as well. So I'm at the point where Im putting in the New Aspire Motor.
96-97 NOS Ford Aspire Engine I bought on eBay
96-97 NOS Ford Aspire Engine I bought on eBay