Spent the past couple of afternoon's leaving work early to pic up front end parts....sway bar...bushings....struts....inner tie rods and boots. All 1992 original and welll past do. On the way home yesterday I had a thunk in the rear passenger wheel well. the comotion stopped as I entered the drive way...parked the car in the garage, walked to the top of the driveway and found a chuck of snow the size of a shoe box in the road right where the noise stopped... thought nothing of it...went inside an poured a cocktail.
This morning...about 2 miles from home...I experienced a large crashing sound in the same wheel well and the driver fornt wheel came off the ground...limped home....and found I had 1 x 4 low rider...thanks murphy...now that i will have a completely refurbished front end... the back end gave out...maybe not to bad...another reason to leave work early. (please read below picts)

The Cause...5 years old....+50k...purchase from CarQuest
While it's all apart...anyone have any good sources for rear coil springs and boots?
This morning...about 2 miles from home...I experienced a large crashing sound in the same wheel well and the driver fornt wheel came off the ground...limped home....and found I had 1 x 4 low rider...thanks murphy...now that i will have a completely refurbished front end... the back end gave out...maybe not to bad...another reason to leave work early. (please read below picts)

The Cause...5 years old....+50k...purchase from CarQuest
While it's all apart...anyone have any good sources for rear coil springs and boots?