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  • #16
    The Capri XR-2 leather boot and Knob has been my favorite so far.

    Just hacksaw about 1/2 off the threads of the stock shifter or use the pacesetter short shifter.

    Also, don't get knobs that have set screws.. You will hate them later, I promise. Use screw on knobs.


    • #17
      A screw on knob is what I was hoping for because I've never been fond of set screws in any form. I'll probably cruise over the net to find something I think would work. I'm thinking leather is going to be my preference.

      I guess I better get outside with the camera tonight before I start doing all this stuff and get a "before" picture to go with the "after" when I'm done... for this year...
      Proud former owner of a shineee blue '93 Festiva L. Marvin will be missed.


      • #18
        here is a pic of the Capri knob and boot on stock shifter.


        • #19
          Cool. That looks comfy. Thanks Dj.
          Proud former owner of a shineee blue '93 Festiva L. Marvin will be missed.


          • #20
            A shift knob from a nissan truck will screw right on and has the same shift pattern printed on it.
            Those who think drifting through life is easy, never tried it in an FWD.


            • #21
              I just drilled a hole in mine and it screwed right on. I'm pretty sure it was 5/8" but I have to double check. The total cost for my shift knob was $1.70 after tax. I like the feel of it too, I find most shift knobs are too small, this one is 2.5" dia.

              I'm working on another, going to use silicon or epoxy to dampen the vibrations.
              OX SMASH!!


              • #22
                use just the base of the skull the thing that holds the batter put thumb on top of it and it works perfect... been using that ever since my skull broke... :shock: damn knew I was missing something


                • #23
                  I have carpal tunnel. Though I appreciate the advice of just using the base of the skull, I have to have something that sits well in my palm.

                  Though on another excursion to the parts store today I noticed one I didn't see yesterday that is leather and seems like it would fit nicely in my hand. I'll think it over a couple more days before deciding.
                  Proud former owner of a shineee blue '93 Festiva L. Marvin will be missed.


                  • #24
                    pay 2 dollar shiping and I send u stock shift knob LOL got any speed tuner shops in ur area?? i'd try there


                    • #25
                      I've been thinking today that maybe I should just hike on over to the pull-a-part place and just find one in a beater thats comfy.
                      Proud former owner of a shineee blue '93 Festiva L. Marvin will be missed.


                      • #26
                        that is where i got mine.. get one from an 88 they are more comfy


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by oxbrain
                          I went to a crafts store and bought a doll head and drilled a hole in the bottom.
                          That actually sounds creepy but who can beat a $1.70 shift knob?
                          I will NOT drive a minivan


                          • #28
                            sounds a bit like the crazy guy in con air when he is playing with the dolls singing in the empty pool.....


                            • #29
                              I got my shifter knob off a Subaru Brat. It's made of wood and makes this weird squeaking noise when you change gears... :roll:

                              It screwed on without any problems and has the 4 speed shift pattern on it in a really neat Gothic-style text.

                              Weird thing is that the shift pattern is starting to peel off, revealing another below it....


                              White '89L auto - Sold!
                              Silver '06 Rav4, 95k!


                              • #30
                                lol wonder who stole it off of what to put in the subaru... LOL is it a us style shift pattern bellow it?

