About a week and a half ago I bought a 91' Festiva GL with 109k for my wife. Very dirty but mechanically very sound with very little minor rust. (Pictures Coming Soon) Passed inspection with no problem. I have taken the car to two seperate mechanics here in town to perform the following maintenance:
1) Oil, oil filter, oil pan gasket (leaky)
2) Transmission fluid, transmission fluid filter, transmission pan gasket
3) Timing belt, timing belt tensioner, timing belt cover seal
4) Water pump, thermostat
5) Free up/lubricate sticking parking brake cable.
Nothing overly complicated right???
I am having these done to establish a baseline for scheduling of future preventative maintenance items and to provide my wife with a vehicle that is as reliable as possible. I am more than capable of doing these myself but I have a gravel driveway and no garage and just don't feel like doing it my self.
When I took the car to the two mechanics and stated what I wanted done they each looked at me like I had just asked them to strip naked so I could rub them down from head to toe with cow manure!!!!!!!!
The second one agreed to take it, grumpily I might add, but after 2 days he hadn't even looked at it yet and when I asked him about it he got angry. So, I brought it back home and will do the work myself on Saturday. (wtf!!!)When my wife had her 93 Festiva L we had the same issues with getting work done on it.
My question to all of you is, why do mechanics hate these little cars so much???
The mechanics in question were going to be paid so why would they care???
I just don't get it. :-? Any and all input is welcomed.
Rich Johnson
Wells, Maine
1) Oil, oil filter, oil pan gasket (leaky)
2) Transmission fluid, transmission fluid filter, transmission pan gasket
3) Timing belt, timing belt tensioner, timing belt cover seal
4) Water pump, thermostat
5) Free up/lubricate sticking parking brake cable.
Nothing overly complicated right???
I am having these done to establish a baseline for scheduling of future preventative maintenance items and to provide my wife with a vehicle that is as reliable as possible. I am more than capable of doing these myself but I have a gravel driveway and no garage and just don't feel like doing it my self.
When I took the car to the two mechanics and stated what I wanted done they each looked at me like I had just asked them to strip naked so I could rub them down from head to toe with cow manure!!!!!!!!

My question to all of you is, why do mechanics hate these little cars so much???

Rich Johnson
Wells, Maine